Dear EMC staff/players before you disagree on this look at the facts

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by abYoshi, Dec 29, 2016.

  1. I Agree on change is a good thing but not to much change, EMC servers now feel empty and this main thing was about how EMC servers feel empty at most times. I think we would fix this bye taking SMP9 away
  2. then the player con density for each world would be good, and it would be a better community for each SMP. maybe?????
  3. Yeah... proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling goes a long way.

    And this is like insulting someone and then going oh, I didn't mean it, I sowwy. Hate to break it to you but if you insult someone, expect a hostile or displeased response. That's generally how the world works.

    Also, while selling promos at /shop makes them "trash" in the economy (not really, just wait a few months and the promos skyrocket in prices again) it also gives more supply for future players down the road. Do you think all promo collectors that come along in the future should not have a chance to get older promos at all? For example, if Prancer was only given out via /promo, the prices would be higher yes but then you also rip away most of the chances for future players to ever see these items. It's easy for an older player to go "sucks to be you" to newer players, but then that's not exactly healthy for EMC itself. So I agree in selling promos at /shop.
  4. No. Removing smp9 would be removing players' work. That would have an effect exactly the opposite of what you want to achieve. The removal of smp9 would cause outrage and would force many players to leave.
  5. That was called a example, and i said "Maybe". And i said maybe we should condense some servers its a suggestion. so stop getting all mad at me for 1 suggestion, Thank you and I'm tired of you guys getting mad at me.
  6. Thats it I'm taking a break from emc.
  7. Can we try to avoid drama and finger pointing? This is how people get into even more trouble and cause arguments.
  8. Welp, this thread is all over the place.
  9. You summed up this thread nicely lol.
  10. This isn't relating to the thread
    UltiPig likes this.
  11. Being a promo collector and the main way I make money, this is so wrong. First, this depends heavily on the promo. Second, this has very little to do with promo prices, long term. I've been on for about 363 days, and if I'm not mistaken, each piece of 60k gear was sold in /shop for 6k each. (?) Now, a SINGLE Flaming Mob Launcher goes for almost 900k rupees, if I am not mistaken. This has so little to do with promo prices it shouldn't be included in any discussion about promo pricing. The most recent promos are down in price, yes, because they were able to be bought at /shop. This is economy 101, supply and demand. Everyone has one atm, so no one is going to be buying, except for promo shops, making the price very low. However, given time, these promos will gain in demand and lessen in supply, driving the price higher. The 60k gear is a prime example.
  12. Sorry I honestly have no idea what you want opinions about.... But I'll see if I can guess what your meaning.

    Emc does not need a change, it is perfectly fine as is. Staff are also working hard to let players have fun, by using their free time to host events, design new things for us etc.
    As for the economy, I personal dont need money because I could pretty much produce everything myself if I wanted to or my friends have my back when i need something :) , therefore saving money instead of buying what I need. I have owned business in the past and i do now as well, but when it gets to the point when you feel it's not fun anymore then, why would you continue to do it?

    Also the economy does not control how much fun you can have, it's not a rule that you need to have a job in order to have fun. You could simply just gather some buddies and go mining or in an adventure to have fun.

    And lastly why are you not accepting feedback from people under 500 days old? Age doesn't really matter does it? That's like saying you can't join the forums if your under 500 days old.
    If you really want feedback, lots of people under 500 I can garuntee would give good feedback.
    BlinkyBinky and We3_MPO like this.
  13. Really? Staff work hard to put out promos on holidays when they don't need to, they're doing it to give the players cool custom items! It's very rude. You take promos for granted, if they're "Trash" due to being sold in the empire shop then don't claim them, if you can't appreciate what the staff put out for us you don't need to claim them.

    We3_MPO and LordessSpartan_ like this.
  14. How about we take your home smp away? How would feel about That? You have to realize lots of people have plots on smp9 that would be affected by this if it happened. Just to volunteer a smp to be taken away is silly, and just plain frustrating since you have no right to do so.
    Emc is fine as is, so what if theres not a lot of players on each sever. We don't need more people it's not a race between other Minecraft servers. I prefer quality over quantity of players.

    Edit: sorry for the post spam I was writing these as I was looking through the topic
    We3_MPO likes this.
  15. Don't be like this.
    NathanRP and jjhhgg100123 like this.
  16. You are asking for all of mine and many others res' to just be deleted because you feel the servers are too empty? That's how I understood this.
  17. I think he means make town larger and import your residences in
  18. That doesn't account for work done in the wild though.
    We3_MPO and HaastregtLover77 like this.