A small gift to EMC

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Moms_CreditCard, Dec 25, 2016.


How are you feeling right now?

FeelsAmazingMan 15 vote(s) 36.6%
FeelsGoodMan 14 vote(s) 34.1%
FeelsMehMan 7 vote(s) 17.1%
FeelsBadMan 3 vote(s) 7.3%
FeelsBadMan with a gun 2 vote(s) 4.9%
  1. Happy Holidays EMC!

    For this year I am giving away 300,000r

    All you have to do is to either;

    Comment what is your tradition for this time of year


    Comment what you have received

    Drawing will be on the 26th, lunch time (Pacific Standard Time)

    Winner: 35 - LoneStarLady

    1 - GeneralWillikers
    2 - Dufne
    3 - TomvnWijen
    4 - Sachrock
    5 - Equinox_Boss
    6 - Tuqueque
    7 - SkareCboi
    8 - RunningRhino
    9 - Allicanto
    10 - IFixer
    11 - ThatMerryElfKid
    12 - Carbonyx
    13 - PeachPenguin
    14 - EmpireMall
    15 - Scarmanzer
    16 - Tyron87
    17 - WolfInAction
    18 - lottie1664
    19 - Duflet
    20 - RunderF
    21 - NuclearBobomb
    22 - AlexC__
    23 - UltiPig
    24 - WitherDoggie
    25 - nltimv
    26 - BlinkyBinky
    27 - crafter31211
    28 - Skelemas2k16
    29 - cubefragment
    30 - EquableHook
    31 - KaliaLlama
    32 - ChristopherJay
    33 - Luckygreenbird
    34 - 1998golfer
    35 - LoneStarLady
    36 - ThaKloned
    37 - Will_McNab
    38 - ChristmasTower
    39 - finch_rocks_1
    40 - Themoglover
    41 - Aiyard
    42 - Olaf_C
    43 - GreenMeanie
    44 - ILTG
    45 - 607
    46 - haastregt
    47 - CallumDAKing
    48 - FadedMartian
    49 - NathanRP
    50 - ChumMiner
    60 - Xatez
  2. The tradition my family does this year is we get all the family together and race some vehicles in the snow. Then we go sledding. Then we open our secret santa gifts christmas eve then on Christmas we open gifts and have a scavenger hunt for the little kids for them to find their gifts.
    607, ThaKloned and Equinox_Boss like this.
  3. Does tradition include sitting around on EMC?
  4. Our tradition for this time of the year? Go ice skating. We didn't do it today :p

    What I got? Snow boots. They were too small. :p

    lol, I sound very positive, don't I? :p Don't worry, I'm still FeelsAmazingMan. :p

    And thanks a lot for holding this giveaway! :)
    607 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  5. I have received a wide assortment of deodorant, i think people are trying to send me a message :p
    607, RaiinNL, Olaf_C and 7 others like this.
  6. My favorite tradition is the Italian "version" of Santa Claus which is La Befana and it celebrates the epiphany!
    cubefragment likes this.
  7. I love the food, kinda a tradition isnt it? :)
    cubefragment and Equinox_Boss like this.
  8. Woooo, Partay. Tradition says I choose number 69 and we had Turkey for Xmas lunch.
    Equinox_Boss, EmpireMall and Tuqueque like this.
  9. Equinox_Boss likes this.
  10. I got some nice socks
    BlinkyBinky and Equinox_Boss like this.
  11. we dont have traditions but i got some earpods and headphones :)
    awesome giveaway btw and merry Christmas :D
    607, cubefragment and Equinox_Boss like this.
  12. Thanks for this Giveaway!!! I have gotten some money and a SmartWatch!!!! Thanks Santa!!!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  13. I received fox related stuff, a computer desk, and a computer chair. Plus some games (Pokemon Sun AND Moon, and LOZ: Ocarina of Time for 3ds).

    I was pretty content with my gifts :)
    607 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  14. I got lots of gift cards, an Invicta watch, new Rubik's Cubes and an action cam for paintball :D

    I love my gifts :D
    cubefragment and Equinox_Boss like this.
  15. I got a Corsair Void RGB Headset and a K70 RGB Lux keyboard as well as a gift card to my local card shop, a steam card and some other small things like candies and cookies. :)

    Could I get 14?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  16. ssuureeee...
    nltimv and Equinox_Boss like this.
  17. Lizzie and I always sleep in the living room by the tree on Christmas Eve. Next morning Lizzie makes banana bread (which I'm not into but whatever) then we invite friends over to exchange presents and play Cards Against Humanity.
    Do I get two chances if I answer both? Jk. But Lizzie did get me a Lana Del Rey vinyl and another one of my friends got me a cat onesie.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  18. spent some quality time with the fam and had tons of great food ^_^
    cubefragment and Equinox_Boss like this.
  19. Thanks for the giveaway!:) This year I got... *drumroll please*....New boots! "Wow wolf, that's lame." Well they're waterproof and my old ones were starting to die down so I'm pretty happy.
  20. Thanks for this! Our traditions for Christmas Day would seem to be eating and swimming and more eating and more swimming :)
    What I got? Bunch of gifts and $170 (aud) which I have no idea what to spend on :)

    edit: if we're doing numbers I'll take 16... which so far hasn't brought any luck but it might eventually
    Equinox_Boss likes this.