[Suggestion Feedback] Shop Listings

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by chickeneer, Dec 18, 2016.

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  1. To build on what I said, the mall can be designed like;

    And those shops you see on the sides would be the rooms of 10x10 that the players would be able to customize.

    The Mall would represent the same idea as Eviltoade said, as in a real mall, its not just shops selling clothes, there are games, Travel stores, etc...

    And with a 124x124 res, you can fit in a ton on each floor...

    Another suggestion is Players can own more than one if they own a Mall, a Museum, a Head Shop, Several builds, and if they wanted they would be able to obtain say 5 in a row (Get SS to bypass it), And be able to make a Massive 5 store shop, leading to each different res, where the mall is, where the museum is, etc...

    Just some more suggestions on how it can be and how its built on more than what i have already said, :)
  2. I'm a little in between at the time of writing, but I also need to let this sink in a bit. My main concern right now: what about /v +directory? There have been a lot of players (myself excluded at the time of writing) who have set up a shop directory of some sorts for the server they're on.

    I'm all in favour of your idea (don't get me wrong, I can see some serious advantages) but I also want to think about all the effort some players put into making player-hosted directories.

    If you guys can find a nice way to make this co-exist then consider me a fan.

    I'll share more thoughts tomorrow (when I'm not enjoying my weekend evening) :D
  3. Interesting thoughts. I/we may need to toy with the idea a bit to get the right size 10x10 sounds huge. But may it isn't that big.
    I want to make sure that everyone has an equal chance to be seen. Not lots of dead space between. Only current players. And each residence should only be listed once (At least only once per section).

    Yeah. I don't want to push out player creations of directories. I imagine the server controlled version gives everyone an easy to access method to be known. While player made directories can focus in more on a better refined shop selection (A better product)
  4. Just looked at your residence on smp1. Definitely the best one that currently exists on the Empire! Suprisingly, there is only like 3 functioning residence on /v +directory.

    If we decide to implement this, I would make sure to give you all a heads up of what we plan so you can plan accordingly. The server sponsored version would be self-subscribing, but I think I would also put a plug for /v +directory as well! Could also encourage other players to start something on the servers which have none.
  5. Cost i feel should be anywhere from 1000-5000 maybe have a discount because of supporter? Maybe someone could spice up there little area maybe 3x3? The physical structure depends should it be like a floor for every SMP or should every SMP have its own unique little build IE SMP2 Doctor who =P. I like the idea of having a little area for shop owners to spice up there advertisement just to add some character.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. People will want to pay more for premium spots, such as is happening to townspawn residences and residences with a memerable number, such as 9000. However, if you want to counter this mechanic (I see it as supply/demand) with a randomizer, then it becomes more variable, and probably less user friendly.

    My view;
    Players will be using this to find active/stocked shops, not random ones. Either they are looking for shops, or a certain item. You'll have to find a way to show RELEVANT results. Possible factors that make results more relevant, sorted by relevance (imo) ;
    1. stock of an item,
    2. price of an item,
    3. potentially a new factor such as a star- rating/review from players,
    4. last time/date someone bought from a shop from that player (shopactivity),
    5. last time/date when shopkeeper was online ingame (playeractivity),
    6. derelict yes/no.

    Overall I think this is very much needed. +shop and +mall have a lot of residences without shop, or which are by no definition a 'mall'. Having a better system in place gives more opportunity for new players to have their shop discovered, while offering value to existing shops/malls as well. I hope this will see EMC-daylight soon, when implemented well!
  7. Some of these are impossible to automatically generate with the current shop setups. Which is why I definitely like the idea of allowing the residence owners themselves to have access to make changes/update these booths.

    I think a premium option of larger size would be good. So people have the size that meets their needs.
    Yes, randomizing is good. I have an idea on how this could work also! Too complex to explain here.

    Some type of star/like option is good. But that is complicated in that we probably wouldn't it to be something people just start spamming (LIKE MY RESIDENCE). But more of a way that people can mark their favorite residences in a non-competitive fashion. Still would be people that take it way too seriously, but that would be okay.

    Derelict residences would not be possible. Since the whole system would be built around the idea that you have to keep yourself subscribed (and therefore not derelict). This can be tricky. But I think very important.
  8. Now THAT's what I'm talking about Chickeneer... Consider me a fan.
    jjhhgg100123, Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  9. Exciting stuff, here! I'm really in favour of this idea, and I've read some very good suggestions. Thanks for your feedback, everyone!
    I'd really like a physical market, but the chest interface might be more efficient. So yeah, it'd be great if both could exist!
    That doesn't make sense to me, especially because supporters already get extra daily money anyway.
  10. How would it work if the owner of the say Mall is on an alt? Is there a way to be able to manage it under your main account for example?
    Equinox_Boss and chickeneer like this.
  11. I thought about this. It would HAVE to be created initially by the residence owner. I think I would allow a managing account (or maybe more than one), that could renew the subscription or edit the physical area.
  12. Anther bonus for this would be for those who have partners who help run the mall for example. Not always an alt.
  13. Yup. I envision we would use the residence system to manage these areas. But I should note that these would be server owned at all times. So no concept of ownership, more like a month to month lease. So no 'giving perms'. No actual shops would be allowed here. Just a directory of sorts.
  14. Its just the vibe of all SS services are discounted and this could just be another perk in such it just sells supporter even more to be honest...
  15. Interesting idea, but I have the same reservations as ShelLuser. I run the directory on SMP4 and have put a crazy amount of work into setting it up and keeping it updated. I would be disappointed if a server-run directory made my residence obsolete.
    However, my directory has four different categories of shops and also includes sections for unique builds, attractions, parkour courses, and it sounds like your concept is focused just on shops. A server run directory might be a nice resource for those smaller, less specialized shops that change frequently. Those for me are always the most difficult to keep up with and I know there are probably always some on the server that I've missed when making updates.
  16. Yeah. Original intent/focus is on shops. I think it is just out of scope for us to breakdown categories much further than that for this project in particular. The only reason I 'want' this resource is to give all players an opportunity to get going. Something we can advertise to new players that we guarantee they can find shops at to buy materials. Similarly, something to give them an opportunity to get an opportunity at getting customers.

    I want it to be near equal of an opportunity. Naturally, the players that use better advertising techniques and catch your eye, are going to be likely be more successful.

    If you have any specific suggestions that help us not tread on your existing setup. Let us know. I truly think that player made directories will still be completely relevant as a way to sort/emphasize quality residences. As this would have no concept of supervision over it. (Staff will have powers to manage it as needed).
    607, ShelLuser, KaliaLlama and 3 others like this.
  17. Will it be cross-server? I imagine I would want to advertise my smp6 shop on all servers. So how will that be handled? Separate area for cross-server advertisers in a physical location, a choice of showing cross-server in a gui? Adds more complication.

    If I had a gui I would like it to be similar to the creative mode inventory so about 6-8 categories and a search function. Search would be a must. And then like the new vault interface you could flip between pages to each smp. Search could have a checkbox (or not) to show all-smp's or just the one. For me, search would be better for all smp's because its easy to forget which smp you found a great shop with that one item you want.

    Another thought, if using that gui the tabs could be for each smp instead of pages. That makes it simpler. It would just depend how many shops per smp we might end up with as massive lists would make it useless.

    I would do subscriptions on a 2-3 month basis. It could be very easy for someone to be gone a few weeks to find their physical ad gone yet still have a well stocked store operating. My bookstore has been unattended for 6 months and people are still buying and selling there. Having reminder pm's on the forum and in-game to renew would also be a must.
    ShelLuser and Kytula like this.
  18. After reading everything, I think a combination of chest interface and physical shop would be best. When typing /market (or whatever), players are shown a chest interface with everyone on it in a random order each time. Clicking on one of the player buttons brings you to their market. There is also a button to visit the market. Clicking that teleports you to the entrance of the market. The market then lets you walk around and enjoy that kind of experience. This would also add some premium features. Specifically, players could pay to be put on the first line.

    I think 10x10 would actually be a pretty good size for players since a new world wouldn't have any size limits. If moving around would become a problem, some kind of rail system could fix that.

    Edit: If it is cross server, 10x10 would be even better since players could fit a small shop in there for quick purchases.
    607 likes this.
  19. No shops would be allowed. These would be intended simply as a redirect towards the actual residence.
    I haven't got in game to test this yet, but 10x10 just sounds huge for that purpose. I would rather they be smaller so that the people using the resource can see more options more quickly. (Someone mentioned not wanting to run around a whole bunch).
    607, ShelLuser and crystaldragon13 like this.
  20. wait whats the point of subscriptions?
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