Help me with a school project

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by nltimv, Oct 30, 2016.


What types of games do you like to play?

Poll closed Nov 2, 2016.
Role Playing Games (RPGs) 14 vote(s) 43.8%
Shooters 8 vote(s) 25.0%
Indie 9 vote(s) 28.1%
Adventure 17 vote(s) 53.1%
Survival 18 vote(s) 56.3%
Action 11 vote(s) 34.4%
Massive Multi Players 10 vote(s) 31.3%
Simulation 9 vote(s) 28.1%
Sports 4 vote(s) 12.5%
Strategy 14 vote(s) 43.8%
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. 9 its official! XD
    607, cowland123 and nltimv like this.
  3. case closed :cool:
    607 and nltimv like this.
  4. What is an "indie" game?
    nltimv likes this.
  5. Simulations and strategies are my favorites :) Did the forms for ya, cool project!
    nltimv likes this.
  6. I don't see your name on the list of the Giveaway Form, could you try to submit it again?
  7. Interesting tests. I find that this kind of survey and research is done a little too much, but none the less you might as well do it about something you like.
    ShelLuser, 607 and nltimv like this.
  8. (Try to not see the following to much in contrast to this work in specific. I know to little about it. Its about gaming as a research topic in general)

    I can agree to a degree, or rather I can understand where you are coming from. This research always has this subtle taste of justifying gaming with numbers. Yet, when you look at it too many biases such as budget to buy a gaming platform, social expectations/ status of gamer and none gamer, that it is objectively impossible to make any good calls.

    What I am trying to say is that I think there was very little value as hard facts we learned so far. This is also increased by the reproducibility problem (The problem that test made in a study often do not lead to the same results when reproduced by others). Little value means we cant just take this and say gamers are special in a certain way. We cant make real use of this.

    However, the positive point is the interest in understanding a complex system better. Even if we can't get hard rules that if x is y then z, we can still try to understand the dynamics of a system in a intuitive way. And mostly its better to do your own study on the topic, than to read about it. This leads to better questions and better science and not only towards gaming. This also helps formulating better questions in other areas of science. Engaging in science is always productive so I believe. But this is more of a philosophic question.
    607 and nltimv like this.
  9. I've completed the survey, don't enter me in the contest. Just glad I could help with project! Hope you get an A! Looks very well organized :)
    nltimv likes this.
  10. oh, no, you forgot the "designing" type, I mean, that's about the only thing I do when playing minecraft, designing redstone, and designing builds for EMC. That really is the only thing I do :p
    nltimv likes this.
  11. Choose what you think fits best :)
  12. Bump :)

    Remember you have until midnight to fill out the form and enter the giveaway ;)
  13. Cool project, hope everything goes well.
    DaysInTheDust and nltimv like this.
  14. That'd be Sandbox, I suppose, but yeah, that was missing. I also missed Platformer and Puzzle, but oh well.
    nltimv likes this.
  15. Bump :)

    I extended the deadline to 3am EMC time, because I'm asleep at 12 am and I can't close the form then
    607 likes this.
  16. The results are in!
    And here are the winners :)
    Congratulations to DJ__Krazy! You've won 1 Vault Voucher!

    Congratulations to _cTJ_! You've won 1 Marlix's Boots!

    Congratulations to 607! You've won 1 Momentus's Helmet!

    Items will be mailed as soon as possible :)

    While the giveaway is over, you can still help us, because the first form is still open :)
    Test Results
    Because some of you were interested, here are the results of the tests. These results ONLY include EMC members who have filled in the Giveaway Form.

    Participants: 19

    Test 1 - Reaction test
    Slowest score: 689ms
    Fastest score: 229ms
    Average score: 369,2ms

    Test 2 - Logic Test

    Average score: 6,37

    Individual scores - All tests
    This graph shows the test results per person, without names.
    khixan and 607 like this.
  17. Hey, I won something! :D
    Not sure what I'll do with it, perhaps I'll be able to make someone else happy with it one day. :)
    ShelLuser, khixan and nltimv like this.
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