Goodbye EMC ...?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Carr_x, Oct 31, 2016.

  1. OO Clickbait... Not really , this is serious.

    So today it looks like my computer has died, I'm quite sure its the GPU and possibly the CPU. The also shorted out my 2 monitors so they are dead also and it also shorted my replacements... So as it stands, I am unable to play on this wonderful server at this time. I just don't have £900 to spend on 2 monitors and a new GPU and or maybe a CPU. So for now, i bid farewell. If there are any updates i will be sure to let you know.


  2. Sorry to hear that!
    We3_MPO likes this.
  3. To add on, I'm 17, Jobs are stupidly hard to get in my area, Im unemployed and a student at a college near bristol, uk. My Dad has had his third operation in the past three years and hes the only one who puts food on the table (hes a handyman). My Mum is a full time Mum and carer for my Dad. My dad is practically slowly killing himself... a few years back he fell from a 22 ft drop, and survived, now hes doing hard physical labour a handy man. Sorry, i waffled on. I just feel i need to explain myself.
  4. Sixteen year old at a college near Liverpool, UK here. Also unemployed because jobs are hard to get here too (especially for someone my age). I feel you on a ton of levels.
    There's no need to apologise.

    I didn't know who you were until this post, but if you ever return, we'll all be glad to welcome you back. We'll wait for you :p

    See you around.
    ObscureGolem, We3_MPO, 607 and 2 others like this.
  5. that doesn't sound very wel... I hope to maybe see you around after this all?
    ObscureGolem, We3_MPO and Xatez like this.
  6. I'll only bump a few times .
  7. Tip: Contact Krysyy and inform her about this as well. I noticed you're a diamond supporter right now, if you redeemed a voucher (and it still lasts a while) then chances are high that she can postpone the status so that you can continue using it when you get back.

    But beware: being a supporter protects you from going derelict, not being a supporter not so much. But if you make sure to vote at least once a week then you can be certain that nothing bad is going to happen.

    Which could be another reason to contact Krysyy. Although there are no guarantees it might be possible that she can do something for you there as well. But... I need to stress that out: no guarantees and no promises obviously.

    As to your equipment: I wouldn't worry too much about the monitors. Unless we're talking a power surge (and then this is questionable) then I doubt that they could have gotten any damage from whatever your PC sent into it. Thing is: the main currents are usually all at TTL level (5v maximum) which means that the damage which can be caused by surges and such is quite minimal.

    If your GPU is fried (possible) than this could be a result why your monitors don't turn on: no signal, so they don't respond. Obviously this is a guess on my part, but I wouldn't give up on 'm just yet.

    Open the case, if you got a switch on the PSU turn it on (I'm not referring to the on/off switch, but sometimes there's an extra switch at the back, on the PSU itself). Then watch if you can see a led burning on your motherboard. If you can then the motherboard might be undamaged and it also indicates that your PSU might also be good.

    Turn on the PC and check what happens. Do your fans start spinning? Does your other stuff turn on (like the HD's powering up and such)? If so then it's likely not your CPU which went bad. The CPU is part of the startup check done by the motherboard: when certain components do not check out then the whole thing will fail to start. So nothing happens at all. If something happens then....

    In addition: if something happens (fans start spinning, HDs power up, etc.) after which the whole thing dies again then it can also be a PSU related problem.

    If it is your GPU then I dont' think you'd have to spend 900 pounds. If there are any computer stores around I'd try to pick up a spare graphics card. If you have an onboard card then adding an external one will overrule that. So assuming your GPU is fried then this could be a very inexpensive way to get your computer fixed.

    Same applies to the PSU; those are also not too expensive.

    Please note: all of these are obviously guesses and hints. Educated guesses, it's my profession and I've been around many broken computers, but still guesses. Problem is that a broken CPU (for example) can manifest itself in dozen different (and sometimes bizarre) ways. It can be very difficult to determine.

    Even so... I really hope this can still help you a bit.
  8. I don't know how you can fix your computer but, in really sorry that this might be the end of your time on EMC. Hopefully you can get some sort of job and pay for a new one.. I'm also sorry to hear about your dad's fall, that must be really hard for you. I hope you can come back one day, until then good luck with whatever life throws at you.

  9. I appreciate your long response Shell. After reading this, I realised the fans still turn, even the fans on the cooler and fans on the GPU and also There is two greenlights which may just mean that power is being accepted into the card because they are next to the 4pin and 6pin power inputs. I have tested with my laptop and two of the monitors still work, but Minecraft is unplayable at this time on my laptop, 8 fps at most on lowest video settings and it tends to overheat, I know most laptops tend to over heat because of the little space inside and no fans (I believe).

    Most likely what I will do is let my diamond supported run out because it does in only 8 or so days and unsubscribe from it so it doesn't charge me.

    Also thank you Pete for your kind response and words, infact thank you to all. It just shows how strong our community is and its amazing how much support people are able to give.

  10. Who knows, maybe you'll find a way to ressurect your computer :)
  11. Nooooooooooooooooooo :(

    Do you need me to vote for you?
    Xatez and We3_MPO like this.
  12. So so sorry to hear about your dad, computer, and other issues :(
    EMC will be here when you get back :) Need anything, my inbox is open.
  13. Maybe you don't need such an expensive computer? Surely there are £100 or £200 computers that can run minecraft and everything else you need. Put the money you saved into BP and Royal Dutch Shell stock. Lol
  14. I play other games also and would need to be a long term solution.
    Wither_Addict likes this.
  15. I can manage but thankyou ;) I have my phone still... with a working screen
  16. I was born in Liverpool, just thought I'd mention it and nice to know that there's more of us here :p
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  17. I am sorry to see you go, best of luck outside of EMC :)
    We3_MPO likes this.
  18. All of you complaining about jobs learn web development. JavaScript and related frameworks. Its just a bit of work everyday, but you will soon have an idea. You easily get good paid jobs as freelance working from home for companies doing interesting projects. Bonus you dont need high end graphics/ CPU so you can keep working. XD

    The company I work for has currently 3 internships and 2 freelancer in a team of 10 people. I work when ever I have time and get my money on time.

    "But I study economics (Or replace with any other field of study that doesnt hire students), I know nothing about coding!" -> You can learn coding online at 0$. Its better then learning how to stack food at the local super market and it will give you an alternative in case the economics bubble pops.
    Eviltoade and no_thing like this.
  19. This is so true. Even just try it out as a hobby. You would be surprised by how easy it is to get started.
  20. Same here Xate my friend :)