[ShellRant (warning!)] We are lucky with EMC!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by ShelLuser, Oct 29, 2016.

  1. Hi gang!

    Sorry, venting commences in 5... 4....

    Ok, more seriously. I want to vent a bit about how lucky we all are to have found this awesome forum which allows us to vent about just about anything we want (but... as usual: within good reason!). Here is the problem you guys: I learned from past posts that this forum has been here the same time (assumption!) at the Empire itself. And I base this on posts on... you guessed it: the forums.

    Within context (and I guess only my close friends can pick this one up) but this forum seriously reminds me about the Ableton forum. No links, no nothing, just a name. All I'm going to tell you is that it is a forum specifically dedicated to digital audio. So a very niche forum and completely unrelated to Minecraft.

    Ok, let's cut the small talk.. I've visited the "official" (so I assume) Minecraft forum. I've been a (non-active) member for quite a while and no: do not expect a negative rant about it.

    However... I do think it can be an enlightening experience to look at the massive set of rules they have, compare that with the confusion it sometimes (and often) causes, added up the tremendous (and highly noteworthy, deep respect on my end!) effort which the staff puts in to fix mistakes and you got...

    No offense: but you still get a forum where players are often afraid or unsure to post stuff, let alone speak their mind freely. I respect them, I respect the rules to keep idiocy out but.. It is heavily regulated.

    And that works a "little" different here.

    Which brings me to our comfy community.

    Yes guys, EMC isn't perfect and I can be the first to point that out or to admit to it.

    But this is where things matter: player concerns. When several players posted a rant (comparable to mine.. uh oh.. no, pls! :D) staff didn't say "you ninny, we'll have none of this stuff here" and made it go away with a magic wand

    /c e
    I'm offering a 50r deal to whoever can make me a deal which will divert the attention of the next mod reading this :D

    Uh oh, /chat commands don't work here? Why didn't anyone tell me!? :p


    Staff listened, sometimes even let threads spiral out of control which ran outside some players comfort zones and only then,when they had little choice, did they step in. Does that make them perfect? Of course not. But it does make them honest!

    But there are tons of likewise examples "elsewhere" which didn't work out and I honestly think we should keep that scenario in mind as well. We can vent: but it's EMC who/which is allowing us to do so.

    And I think that simple fact deserves a bit of extra attention as well. Hosting a popular forum isn't quite free of charge either you know...

    So yeah :) Sorry for the rant (I did warn you!) but I think it doesn't hurt for us to keep this thing in mind. I dare say that we (EMC community) got a heck of a lot more expression options than most other Minecraft (-related) fora have.


    607 likes this.
  2. first. (always wanted to do this)
    Sgt_Pepper4, ANubIsWe3, 607 and 3 others like this.
  3. How could you say this?? I mean, actually SAY it??

    :p BUT


    Actually you are second, right after Shell.

    :p BUT


    and now for something completely different...
    ANubIsWe3 and ShelLuser like this.
  4. Welcome to the Empire Minecraft, if you have anny questions, feel free to ask :)
  5. I guess you won the 50r, that is a sure way to distract those mods :D

    Yes, awesome, so helpful too!

    Why won't chat commands work here? :D
  6. because we're in the foroms at the moment, at the forums we have special pages for economeny related things, missilaneous, etc. we haven't got those in game, so aikar added different "chats" so that there won't be one that's contignually spammed :)
    ShelLuser, 607 and ANubIsWe3 like this.
  7. Lol shel is like two years old on EMC lol not new?
    ShelLuser and ANubIsWe3 like this.
  8. well, I do I think still remember him asking how residence flags work like it was yesterday (or was it "mirr0rr") so, for me he still is quite a newbie :)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  9. I agree! There are still one or two things I feel uncomfortable about, but overall, I feel quite safe here!
    Also, most of the rules are common sense and don't really need to be remembered. If you remember to not bump your threads too often and not discuss explicit mature content, you'll probably be fine! :)
    We3_MPO and ShelLuser like this.