Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2016 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2016.

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  1. Do you not age? o.o
  2. I was born on a leap day, so I only age once every 4 years
    (Not really, just genetics I guess lol)
    UltiPig, Kytula, Roslyn and 2 others like this.
  3. Oh lordy
    _Bunni__ likes this.
  4. I know right? It's a little scary to fast forward and see yourself in 50 years.

  5. A weird selfie I took with some fellow trumpets at a band competition yesterday, I think it's obvious who I am but I an the long haired blonde guy.

  6. (Ignore that arm on the left :p)
  7. So you're the arm? :p
  8. Oh no! You know too much!!
  9. get rid of that dang beard you butt
  10. u wanna fight m8?@!
  11. YE BRUH! we could of fought at disneyland but someone decided to go home a day early!
    BenMA likes this.
  12. That is outstanding. And you don't even appear worried he's going to bite your head off.
  13. someone decided to come a day late, who goes to disney on a sunday?
    _Bunni__ likes this.
  14. people who want to go praise their lord mickey !

  15. Me with 3 of my siblings ( my other 2 refused to be anywhere near us ) at a recent family wedding!

  16. We found a stray baby cat at a band competition we hosted, found him by one of the trailers, we named him Warrior after our school's mascot.
  17. Wife and I having a bit of fun with some pics we took

  18. This picture reminds me of Rust (game). Great Photo!
  19. I have it but have never played it. I have a few more from this set that I will post later when I get the photographers permission.
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