In other news, I've met the real tayla! I'm sure the picture of that encounter will show up soon! I can tell you all she's the same person I thought she'd be
I missed this bit. I have to back your point up with something: I'm 16 years and 3 (nearly 4) months old. Even when I was 15 people easily mistook my voice for an 18-19 year old's, and when I talk to someone (not local, because north English and Scottish people tend to have deep voices) for the first time they'll always say something about 'not expecting that out of a 16 year old'. If I didn't tell people my age and they don't know anything about me beforehand, they'll probably assume I'm 18-20. So yeah, like you said; easy mistake to make I've done this, just haven't done the meeting up part yet. Jake_Bagby was in my town's mall at the same time as me once though lol He's flirting. What a flirt.
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I was gonna say you should make a new post in an "introduce yourself" thread. wit daREEL you. I talked to you I think three times. u go gorl