I remember when smp8 was normal... Is really hard to remember it though, it seems like it was a dream...
When Wilderness / Frontier threads finally got their own subforum and mods had to move all the wild outpost threads into it...
I was second place! Terminator908 got first. NOTE: It was because we prepared ourselves with tons of God Armor, weapons, ect. and we were one of the few people who did lvl 50 enchants atm. Anyways, we thought there was an impending zombie strike in town, or some huge combat thing. So we stocked up on awesome stuff.
Man looking at all these things that used be on EMC is quite interesting, saying I've only been here for about 9 months.
I always feel a bit self-conscious on these threads because I'm relatively new, so all these oldies tend to shatter my little tidbits. But I remember things like the 6k 60k item promo (if only I'd had enough money to buy about 100 ore busters back then, eh?), especially how instead of using the /promo command we were all just given a free 6,000 rupees to buy an item or to use as we wanted. And, of course, there were the ICC head drops, always a favorite of his... I pulled in two ICC heads, a few ISMOOCH heads, and a Dwight head on one of those. Good times. EDIT: Oh, and I remember before heads were even a thing. I remember when Jim and Krysyy and Moose were just greenies, of course, and the ages and ages when Bigdavie and shaunwhite1982 were the two SS (Davie became SS shortly after I joined). Oh, and I remember back before the Wastelands when quartz first appeared in MC and we ran 4,000 blocks through the Nether just to get about 16 quartz blocks worth of flakes. Master? Master!
Yes, lol, I had a crap ton of chickens in a tiny space, generating a crapton of eggs, of which most despawned, due to no hoppers.
I remember when ShaunWhite1982 was the singular senior staff member. I also remember when nobody understood why he was senior staff and not just a moderator or an admin.
darn i mis read that sorry bout that also do u remember when marlix stuff was worth 100k and mo mo's helm was worth almost 1 mil
Ha, I remember when EMC was still 1.7 when 1.8 hit, and the Enchantment Table always had 3 Lapis Lazuli in it when connecting from a 1.8 client I also remember how ridiculously small my house was when I first started my res and how bad the griefing was in the Frontier on smp8... I couldn't even keep track of how many times that tavern o' mine was griefed, so I let it stay run down as a sort of apocalyptic remnant of its former self and rebuilt it much better on my 3rd residence.
That one time when I was a contributor for essentially 4 years. I guess this counts as the start of that journey: And I guess this is the thing that (for now) ends it: