[1.9 update] How is your performance compared to 1.8 ?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ShelLuser, Jun 2, 2016.


Which of the following applies to you?

Poll closed Jun 16, 2016.
1.9 performs better for me than 1.8 did. 7 vote(s) 15.9%
I don't notice any change in performance, its the same. 14 vote(s) 31.8%
1.9 performance is worse for me than 1.8 was. 20 vote(s) 45.5%
Other (please leave a comment below!) 3 vote(s) 6.8%
  1. See post above, and also because I remember (although to be fair that was many years ago) it also changing stupid things I didn't want changed.
  2. If you're using mods, instead of double-clicking optifine just go to your downloiads folder and drag it into your mods folder. It should work fine.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  3. chunks are glitching out time to time
  4. I don't use mods or texture packs. I play the game straight up. I rarely had lag playing 1.8 on my lap top, I guess it was when conectivity issues when i saw the bars were low for ping. The only thing I have noticed so far (I have not done much mind you) is the tree machine does a blink/glitch when all the pistons move the whole block of trees over. other than that performance has been acceptable. Toshiba laptop core i5 windows 7
  5. I'll try that then, thanks. :) Should I install it before or after my mods?
  6. Just open your mods folder and drag it in anywhere.
  7. I haven't noticed any huge differences in performance, likely since I have a pretty beefy laptop (2 years old and still playing new games with the graphics set on high--i'll take it!), but I have noticed my laptop seems to have to work a little harder to give me the same performance. It's not struggling by any means but I do notice the fan seems to be working a little harder than normally while playing.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  8. I can honestly say my performance in-game has not been effected at all by the new 1.9 update, however this could just be because I have Optifine installed on my computer or just my computer itself. But even then, my computer isn't a gaming one nor is it very beefy, but one more for my schoolwork. Some people who are experiencing lag could may be due to many reasons such as:
    • Their PC/Laptop cannot handle too much or is slow
    • They may have more mods and/or texture packs installed on their PC/Laptop
    • They could have too many things open at once (like internet explorer, emails, Spotify, YouTube etc.)
    • They could have poor or low connection
    However, I am not implying that this does not have to do with the recent update, it could very well be the reason for all this! It seems right now that some are experiencing more lag than others, some not at all. We can't do much about this lag if it is caused by the update, but we can try lessen the amount of lag people experience. If you're experiencing lag, I do strongly recommend installing Optifine (which you can do right here) if you have not already done so. You do not need to download anything else for Optifine to work and should only take a few seconds to install. If that does not help, then I suggest tweaking some of your settings in MC (Such as graphics, texture pack and performance).

    To those who would like to install Optifine on their PC/Laptop but do not know how:

    (it's important to run the version of Minecraft first before installing Optifine, it will not allow you to install the mod otherwise)

    1. Click here and scroll down to find the version of Optifine you wish to download

    2. Once chosen, simply click on the link

    3. You should then be redirected to a page where it shows the version of Optifine you would like to Download. Once you get here, click the link shown and this will start the download

    4. When it's finished downloading (it should only take a few seconds to download), open it

    5. Click "Install"

    6. Open Minecraft and enjoy! :)
    It's easy and only takes a minute or two to install. After you've installed, you can move the app to anywhere you wish (I personally put mine into my "Mods" file). Many don't understand that you don't actually need to download anything like Forge for Optifine to work, it's really simple and can prevent sudden lag spikes or crashes, but also just improves the overall game experience.

    I hope this helped...doubt it did but oh well xD.
    MrsWishes and ShelLuser like this.
  9. Thank you so much for this guide! Very helpful! :)
    ShelLuser and RainbowPony like this.
  10. Nice thread you got going here. After the 1.8 update, (away from the the dreaded 1.7.10...), I really thought that performance didn't matter anymore as it was an issue of the past, but it looks like I was wrong.

    To be honest, I cannot compare 1.9 to 1.8 or before, because my current hardware is severely under-powered and I would need to get more appropriate hardware for my computer before I can give a good response to the question. (I hope that happens soon.)

    However, if I were to take a stab at the assumed outcome, maybe 1.9 loads faster? (Assuming you have a good video card, that is...)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  11. While I've had some issues with chunks loading and the mentioned block lag, I find that 1.9, overall, performs a lot better.

    My framerate is consistent, and things don't often full out lag. While not seeing some blocks or having issues with chunks rendering is annoying, I don't rubberband as often and some things, such as rain or other particles, don't lag me nearly as much as they used to.