Empire Minecraft is still 1.8 - 1.9.4 is near!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Feb 29, 2016.

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  1. I think there's a lot of grammatical confusion about "elytra".

    I've seen/heard many players mispronounce/spell the word.


    To understand the story, before 1.9 snapshots, "elytra" was a very unknown word to the Minecraft community, myself included. When released, nobody at Mojang publicly said anything about the correct way of saying it.

    But Mojang did not invent the word. It has been used by biologists to refer to the shells that protect the actual wings of beetles and other bugs/insects.

    According to an online dictionary, "elytra" are pronounced like this:

    And it's non-plural form, "elytron", is pronounced:

    Here are their pronunciations in text:
  2. Wow, I had no idea, I always pronounced it uh-lee-tra
    We3_Nub and ForeverMaster0 like this.
  3. I pronounced it "e-light-ruh". Fancy that... Thanks for enlightening us, ForeverMaster0. :)
    ForeverMaster0 likes this.
  4. Pfft. I'm still pronouncing it uh-lit-ruh.
    gladranger7 and ForeverMaster0 like this.
  5. Xisuma says "elytra" the exact same way.

    Also, most of the Hermitcraft players say "Elytras" for more than one "Elytra", which is incorrect, because "elytra" is already plural.
    We3_Nub likes this.
  6. Why do people request the elytra be a voters reward etc? Is there not enough for every player on EMC?
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  7. They can only be obtained by going to an end ship in the outer end islands, so they will be expensive unless there is another way to get them on EMC.
    We3_Nub likes this.
  8. because despite the fact that aikar has said there will be a end waste people want an easier way to get an item mojang intended to be rare.
  9. What is so bad about that?
  10. Yeah, but is it an item that even if rare is something every player can have in this initial reset?

    If not, why not just make the ender dragon drop the elytra?
    gladranger7 likes this.
  11. the end was expanded massively and end islands are pretty common as you get further out, so feasibly? yes every player could find an unexplored end island and get their hands on a set
    We3_Nub, MrCDub and AmusedStew like this.
  12. I'm pretty sure that was smp8... :p
    tuqueque and We3_Nub like this.
  13. I'd just appreciate something new to justify a streak of 1k+ and going... >_>
  14. Well obviously a 1k streak would deserve that. Most of the people talking about it arent even at 300 yet though.
    We3_Nub likes this.
  15. If there is an end waste people will get out there straight away and try get the elytra first. So by the time others get there there will be no explored end ships. Hence it still will be rare. It would be cool if you could get as a voting reward so at least some people can get one. All im saying :p
    ForeverMaster0 likes this.
  16. 1. The end waste will reset.
    2. The frontier waste is as endless as the normal overworld so there is seemingly an endless amount of islands there.
    3. You are highly underestimating how lazy most town players are.

    Most of the people "rushing" out there are going to be shop owners to sell them to people. So yes it should be a reward. But it should be like 900 because again mojang intended for them to be difficult to get.
  17. Demand for elytra is insanely high. They could be the most demanded new item on EMC.

    If you don't want to be paying tens of thousands of rupees for them, find End Ships ASAP.
    We3_Nub likes this.
  18. I want elyta solo bad but I will die in the waste. And I'm poor.
  19. I've done extensive testing on this subject, and I've found that getting your own elytra really isnt that hard at all, if you take a bit of time to do it.

    Put on a resource pack that makes pumpkins clear (or just try and roll with the obstruction if you can stand it, the pumpkins will help you not get killed by endermen), use enderchests (2-16), cobble (4 stacks), food (32-64) and epearls (2 stacks) and about an hour of time (factoring in the raided end cities you'll pass up), and you'll have found yourself an end ship that hasn't been looted. Rather than risking your life going into the actual structure, use cobble to build up to the end ship, and fight your way to the elytra. There should only be two or three shulkers, so even a starter sword would do the job just fine. If you're floating too high, enderpearl back down. Bring milk as well to get rid of the levitation effect if you're really worried about it.

    If you've made it this far, it's doubtful you want to make the return trip back to the end gateway. Put your non-soulbound stuff into an enderchest, and find a way to kill yourself. Jumping off the end ship or falling into the void should work just fine. Also, as for tools/armor to bring, the voter's tools are better, but the starter gear will work just fine make sure to bring a sword and a pickaxe. For the armor, starter's armor is probably better, as it's iron as opposed to leather. You won't need a helmet though, because you'll have a pumpkin on your head. I sugggest voter's/starter's stuff because it's easy to get and it's soulbound.

    Another thing to remember is to always keep your food topped up, as you'll heal much quicker if you're full. Because you'd be eating so often, you don't need a food that fills up a lot of hunger, like steak or pork. Bread, or even melons would do just fine. Of course, if you want to get the most our of your food, use golden carrots. They're one of the most saturating foods in the game, which means they keep you full the longest, and are best for healing up fast.

    I hope this guide helps any of you who struggle to stay alive in the end. :D
  20. When EMC does go to 1.9 I will be officially retiring from the wild/wastelands. All mobs will be invincible, and skill will go out the window.
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