Empire Minecraft is still 1.8 - 1.9.4 is near!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Feb 29, 2016.

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  1. Due to the nature of server development (updating our features, bugs and any extra problems that might arise) no ETA can really be accurately given, sorry.
  2. Are getting closer and closer each day though! Contributed quite a bit of code myself the past couple days
  3. So, there is no way to locate my "locked chests", other then my own memory? So that I can collect my few valuables...

    (To the orb thing)... Our entire lots are not solid. Air/sky above a block is a single command to find a free spot to drop the orb. However, the orb, or chest, could just be a single item in the center of town. It could even be an online thing. It could be an item that appears in our inventory, once we have a free space. The possibilities are endless. It is just a matter of transferring the contents of one table to another, using existing code.

    It could also appear on the sidewalk, outside of our lots...

    I get that each zone is intended for one thing, but it is not used that way on any server. I checked them all, they are all the same and have the same waste-zones to try and navigate, to get to any decent isolated locations. Especially by noobs. To them, it is a demolition playground and easy way to collect resources from the built structures.

    However, I think a creative mode would be fun, but not an ideal situation for "everyone". There are simple things that can be done to make griefing impossible, since it isn't being enforced, except when someone directly reports it. Like I said, those ideas were posted in my suggestions. When I want to play alone, I play alone. :p Here or there... I am not even seeing anyone here, so same same... (But no-one destroys my stuff on my computer when I walk away. Nor do they move-in while I am away.)

    Yes, I was here when the area around the spawn in the frontier was reset. It was just before the reset, when I purchased three more minecraft accounts, so me and my friends could all play together.

    We often rebuilt the pathways that noobs helped destroy by griefing and pulling groups of creepers onto the roads. The lands all around the reset zone were worse than they are now. The lands were littered with useless dirt towers, stone towers, torches and nearly impossible to navigate without the roads.

    After it was reset, the large buildings to the north were added... (Part of the reset, I think? This is on server 8)

    I am sure I had two chests somewhere under those structures, or near there. I imagine those are gone. I had two in the nether, close to some spawners. I remember how to get there, but all those paths are gone. Going to have to rebuild them.

    I found three of my old chests, both places have new occupants. Cool to see that they sort-of maintained and added to the structures.

    It would be a nice feature to have any locked chest bound to a compass or a map, so we can't lose them.
  4. Rupee History states the location. :)

    Just gotta sift through all the pages of history lol!
  5. There is the super long way and that would be looking through your rupee page. Would show the cords, but not the smp.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  6. could ask mods to look through your account, the locations of locked chests are recorded there even back before the rupee history showed the location. locked chest wont be automatically moved back under any circumstances. what if i left the server for a while and im 100k out on my home server? now i gotta go all the way back to get my stuff? or even worse what if its moved and then i lose my residence?

    so just find it, it wont be teleported to town for you
  7. There is, biteme already beat me to the punch but allow me to elaborate. And you don't even need staff!

    If you lock an item it'll cost you money. 1000 rupees to be exact, if you remove the lock sign then you'll get 500 back. Here's where it becomes interesting: this transaction is logged, including the coordinates. So simply go to your rupee history and start searching.

    So far the good news, the bad news is that it'll still be pretty rough to find especially if its a longer time ago or if you have a shop (so many other buy/sell messages might get in the way).

    It would be cool if we could somehow search through that history, then things would be easy: just search for "Locked an item" and you'll be done in no time.
  8. ok - thanks :)
    ForeverMaster0 likes this.
  9. Not to put anyone in distress:

    I think the best time range to release EMC 1.9 is anywhere from Earth Day (Friday of next week) to Memorial Day (end of May).

    Of course, please take your time, staff.

    And an important question:

    * Will we be able to respawn the Ender Dragon?

    * If so, will the Ender Dragon be unable to delete/destroy any blocks?

  10. Maybe treat it like the waste. We recommend not building in the waste End but if you do staff cannot help with any damage from the dragon.
    ForeverMaster0 likes this.
  11. Hey, In Aikar's latest live stream he didn't mention anything about respawning it IIRC. however, he did state that the Dragon will be able to destroy blocks. It won't be anyone's fault but the players if their creation is destroyed. that is what the "void area" away from the Dragon idle for building. sorry for any typing error... my tablet hates the forums.
    ForeverMaster0 likes this.
  12. OMG... Thank-you all for helping me locate my last chests!

    I'd offer REP if they had it.

    Now I am prepared for 1.9 update. Then I will make a new suggestion, for the sake of helping this server thrive again.

    Would love to see this setup in 1.9, before the reset. It tackles all my prior suggestions, for the most part... Could even be extended to the mining lands, without fear of losing valuables in a world reset.

    My other suggestion is a little more elaborate, but would give this server something that no other server has, that I know of. (Unfortunately, it is not an easy thing to add. Well, not just a plugin or a single modification to existing code.) I am looking all over for anything remotely like my idea that I want to suggest, so we would not have to re-invent the wheel here.

    I am just trying to work-out a few more concepts to extend the idea into more "fun" game-like elements, while still keeping it simple. So everyone could participate in the creation and use of the concept, if it can be implemented. (Has nothing to do with factions or groups, but it could be used to extend those things too.)

    For now, going silent, unless I think of anything-else to add, or ask, related to the 1.9 update.
  13. The problem here is that the Ender Dragon may try to directly charge at a distant player. And it'll keep chasing them until she gets right on them. As such, someone by the Main End Island's perimeter can lure the dragon to them and wreak anything that happens to be branching off from there, like the entry way to an Enderman Farm.

  14. And if it's a griefer, a noob, or a complete troublemaker, then there'd be no stopping them.
  15. Grief protection is already being worked on, custom for emc. It should be the first thing released following 1.9
  16. It is more than just grief protection... It is world preservation, land management, wild-claims, etc... Have to see the video. Which is why I included it. Because the title is not what one normally thinks-of when they see "grief protection".

    Not that I doubt the protection that EMC is making. There are better things they could be doing, instead of reinventing the wheel that will have to constantly be reinvented with each version update, and be limited to depending on other plugins, I am sure.

    I found it funny that they celebrated the 500K member mark. With a dwindling "Active member base", the majority of those "members" are banned bots or competitive servers disposable griefers. When you compare 500K to the "active members", you see "those who left, who are not satisfied"... It is nothing to celebrate. We went from #1 on many server-rankings, down to about #500 on most of those same server-rankings.

    Going to 1.9 and resetting the servers, with some anti-griefing protections will help... But a lot more needs to be done, to make this a community again. Instead of isolating and damning everyone who isn't playing daily, paying for support, or isn't aware of all these obscure social rules, as griefers, freeloaders and derelicts.

    I get that the owner is the ruling body... but when majority ideas are shot-down, favoring griefers, freeloaders and derelicts, instead of those who are not... it becomes a counter-productive kick in the face, and a self-damning proficy. Leaving the owner footing the bill to keep it his/her way, or depending on those few who remain and support it, in the face of never-ending turmoil.

    My boss once told me, "I do it this way, because I want to do it this way!"

    I told him, "That is why you are paying to keep the restaurant open, since you are your only customer."

    Eventually, he started doing what needed to be done. Which was listening to the people who were NOT paying, not those who were paying. Since they were happy to pay for his poor service and bad cooked food. Yet, they were not willing or able to pay enough to sustain his restaurant. (Unfortunately, he realized the reality. He was their servant. Not the other way around, as he believed it would be like, in America. He was from another country. His vision was that he would just cook whatever, and rich people would pay for it, and he would get rich doing little and doing it all his way.)

    Sadly, he spent a LOT doing things his way. However, the final result was nothing more than a vision of his dreams, which may have looked cool, but had little return on investment. (Actually cost him money out of his own pocket to sustain a single mans dream.)

    Odd story over... lol

    The point is this... Every last thread of those who have once played here, then left, are more important than the threads of those who are still here, posting more than they play. Even those seem to all outline the same exact "issues", which end-up getting threads locked or "Oh, I've heard that a million times"... Instead of provoking fixing the things that "they have heard a million times". (Hint, it's about cosmetics, griefing, noob-unfamiliarity, residency of passer-by users and the quantity of those not here or here.)

    With a full reset, I figure I will get a good few months playing before it returns to a similar state. I am only seeing about 3-12 people online at once, on my server. Seems like about 12 on at a time, at any one time. I recall a list so full, when the server was reset, before I stopped coming here, that I had to scroll it, to see everyone on the live map. But that was when most of the turmoil was also present. (That is another ironic thing. When you are in the top 10 and 100 lists. Something I notice we are no longer in, anymore.)
    TotoStyle likes this.
  17. Papa Aikar will deliver the gosh-darned best 1.9 update you've ever seen.

  18. As of right now 24 people on the server 'you play on'. The amount of people online also depends on the time that you are online. During midday eastern time, there are plenty of players. The live map reference, a lot of people like to have their appearance on the map hidden as opposed to allowing others to see where they are. Just thought I should mention that.
  19. We wont be doing a full reset and we also wont just load a plugin willy nilly. You call it reinventing the wheel because you just dont know what you are talking about. All the features in the video are things aikar is working on and designing specifically to work on our non resetting wild. Granted its taking a while, but he has been incredibly transparent on what he is doing. And its the philosophy of those 30k people who are active that we want plugins designed for us, ones that will continue to work after every update because we designed it. In the future, you should get reaclimated to our community before making demands, maybe then it wont feel like people are ignoring you.
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