Empire Minecraft is still 1.8 - 1.9.4 is near!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Feb 29, 2016.

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  1. I believe they should finally add more voters gear cause leather voters gear just ain't gonna cut it in EMC 1.9 i mean marlix and momo's will eat through us even faster
    IamTheNub likes this.
  2. Crying babies can achieve anything :p
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  3. I'm not extited for 1.9 .... Atack cool down :( mojang seems to be making Minecraft a bit too strategy
    IamTheNub likes this.
  4. I take offense to that. Apparently you think it is a crime for someone to want to enjoy as many of the new aspects of 1.9 as possible. Why do you have to be derogatory like that?
  5. That's understandable.
    I've discussed the controversy of 1.9 many, many times now. Lots of players, not just you, had/are having a hard time to adjust to the combat changes.

    Personally, I'm for the changes, as in I like and support them.
    Although, there are still modifications Mojang has to do before releasing 1.9.1 (they made more changes for the update through last week's pre-releases).

    Spam-clicking/button-mashing is one of the biggest problems with video game players, in general; I've seen so many gamers doing it. I really dislike spam-clicking because it's inefficient, mindless, and destructive.

    First of all, spam-clicking has inefficiency, not always for actual gameplay, but rather for the player.

    To be continued...
  6. They have a bedrock slab and takes up a 2x2 area were as the new ones are just the crystal.
  7. Totally lol. Let's keep reminding everyone we are a vanilla server while removing vanilla items simply to keep the very few from 'crying'. :rolleyes:
    God_Of_Gods likes this.
  8. Which can only be placed on obsidian unless we are allowed to Purchase a block of bedrock through senior staff services.
  9. Or the other admin who owns dragon eggs herself explaining that it wasn't fair to coddle dragon egg owners at the expense of the other players...

    I have also assumed all responsibility for anyone upset with this decision so if you have any issues, please pm me.
    ForeverMaster0, kaptrix and ThaKloned like this.
  10. My comment wasn't regarding the actual feature, just that angry people apparently run EMC.

    Aikar stated a decision and it was shortly changed from like 2-3 people being angry.

    I'll assemble an anti-emerald group and have them banned :p
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  11. That was coincidence due to timing of me viewing that decision.
  12. These "Angry people" simply argued for their opinion, because Aikar said he was going to remove something from the game that was going to be vanilla, maybe they were looking forward to the end crystals?
  13. Dude, you got a real issue, talk about angry people. Seriously, an anti-emerald group is your analogy? Sad. Aikar changed his mind because he changed his mind. I think that is very arrogant of you to decide WHY Aikar decided to allow crafting of end crystals for the masses. Can you read my mind right now too? If I was Aikar I would tell you to stop thinking you can read my mind and telling people my motivations.
  14. I got a solution, wait and see what happens, complainers complain, things happen, go with it...
  15. I'm still down for starting a riot.
  16. So, I've noticed from a few short posts that you like to exaggerate emotions. Interesting. I saw not one single person that was "angry" or "crying" about the crystals. What I did see was people state their opinions and ask why a vanilla feature wouldn't be included in the update. Since when is EMC about making fun of people that voice their opinions?
  17. how many more days until the update Aikar?
    ForeverMaster0 and IamTheNub like this.
  18. In my opinion, I'm just pumped for 1.9. I think it will be a nice and interesting update..........besides....mining with a pickaxe in one hand and some torches in the other? That's going to be super convenient. Same thing for a map...
    ForeverMaster0 and IamTheNub like this.
  19. Impossible to say I'm sure. It'll come when it's stable and fits EMC.
  20. Im pumped as well for 1.9 Biggest thing being purple blocks and Splash potions(tipped arrows will be neat as well)
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