Funny Staff Moments!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by NickkG, Feb 8, 2015.

  1. There you go chin

    Chin the creepy steve cat thing:

    Chin the pretty little pony:

  2. chin woz a bad seenyor staf so he got un seenyor stafed but than he did fly hax krisy band him he hax
    AnonReturns, tuqueque, FDNY21 and 3 others like this.
  3. The_Boulder caged me while I was afk, a Nub cage. :p

    Edited to improve pic.
  4. Can't read it
  5. Yeah, sorry. I don't know why it shrinks the image every time I've uploaded it.

    Fixed it! :)
  6. You screenshotted that? Wow! The reason why was apparently "You have to play like a normal player now", I believe. :p
    CallumDAKing and TromboneSteve like this.
  7. EDIT: I am wayy too late for this oops
    Put on the Slime Head Damien.
    nuclearbobomb likes this.
  8. Was browsing through earlier posts and found this:
    I just about did the opposite of everything Krysyy did.
  9. Camis first official time in the funny staff moments
    MishMan25, Hashhog, FDNY21 and 5 others like this.
  10. At least its not the teleport problems...
    NickkG likes this.
  12. I saw this interesting guy with a cami in his name but no cami skin standing on the game server port and desperately tried to poke him for information. But all he did was stare at the roof. :(

    NickkG, AnonReturns, Kytula and 3 others like this.
  13. I was watching my hearts disappear into the redstone haha
    NickkG likes this.

  14. Found this beauty in my screenshots folder.
  15. Im in the back ground photo boming xD with mrswishes xD
    NickkG likes this.

  16. Hash got a little crazy tonight. Smp8 will do that to you I guess :D
    FDNY21, AnonReturns, NickkG and 3 others like this.