[Selling] Original/Custom Skins - Pay what you want

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by NeedsFoodBadly, Jul 31, 2015.

  1. Hipster Business Man, please. :D

    Black Hair, Lime Green Eyes, Complicated Texturing, Something similar to Caucasian Skin, just not too light please.

    Surprise me with the suit colour/stlye, but I don't want anything too flashy. Maybe incorporate dark purple and black, if you cannot think of anything else that I might like. Scratch that, do whatever. May I have it PM'd?


    607 likes this.
  2. Added to queue! ;)
  3. He's a cat. And also a guy. Cat Guy.

    Sporting a stylish red checkered sweater, jeans and wavy hair.

    Preview/Download here:

    607 likes this.
  4. I would like to request the following:
    A male with blue hair sort of like here:
    I would also like him to have a leather jacket, but green and blue jeans :)
    The shirt could be any color, either a blue or a black would be best.
    Penguinub likes this.
  5. Guy in Jacket/Jeans, added to queue!

    Request for ChickenDice also added to queue.
    ChickenDice, 607 and Keliris like this.
  6. If yer still doing this, I need several Skins, all that matters for them is the Heads
    As for what they are? Gourds, of Course, cause I need more Gourd Heads in my Life, as for what heads I need Specifically? Heads based on these

    Sugar Pumpkin- http://www.tropicaltraditions.com/images/seed-organic-small-sugar-pumpkin.jpg
    One of these Yellow and Green Gourds- https://images.blogthings.com/thegourdtest/gourd-6.jpg
    And one of These Pumpkins- http://cdn.territorialseed.com/images/uploads/9903_7117_large.jpg
  7. Just saw this. I'll add it to the queue when I get a chance.

    For the current skins in the queue, sorry for the delays. I'm in the military so sometimes play gets the short stick in the whole work, family, play equation. That said, long weekend is coming up and I plan to clear out my entire request queue before the end of the weekend.
    whatkom likes this.
  8. Sounds sweet, work becomes before fun we understand that.
  9. Still doing this?
    BlinkyBinky likes this.
  10. UPDATE:
    I know I still have some due-outs for skins. I've been a bit busy over the holiday season work-wise and I've also been trying to spend more time my family. I know real life takes precedence over pixels and most people here understand that but I still want to apologize for the redonk delays for the pending requests I still have.

    I also have an ambitious build in progress on SMP1 that's been delayed as well. But I just wanted to let everyone know I haven't quit Minecraft and I haven't found a better server. (Believe me, I looked!) That said, after I finish my request queue, I'll probably close down the request line for an extended period of time, maybe just onesies and twosies by personal request.

    Happy Holidays to all the EMC Community and everyone who has supported my skin-making. You guys are great! :D
  11. Whenever you're in a creative mood and have time I might have custom skin request for ya :D hope things are still going good!
    607 likes this.