The Beauty Just Blending My Eyes, The Sexiness Just Adding Fun To This Item, The Lovable Just Showing How Much I Love Those Slabs, The 2Hot2Handle Just Burning My Player Hands, I Am Gonna Cry From The Heat.
You guys can start by reading the wiki to find typos >.> "(by logic cases that cannot be prevented, such as 2 players being near each other and loading chunks full of monsters that push them over, or monsters moving into rage)" ^ "rage"
Haha, I have been going through and fixing typos on pages. I suppose I can go through that. The best way to get it fixed is by private messaging us. EDIT: By us, I mean the entire team. Not just the new people. ;-;
Please currently private message him for the rest of the month because I am going through my fathers stuff before his funeral so i might be busy sometimes.
Like Penguin, Sky, and FDNY, my inbox will be open for any page-editing suggestions. I usually review entire pages to make sure there are no errors that may have been missed, and I also make sure everything makes sense, just like all of the great Contribution Team members strive to do. It would be nice to receive messages, anyway.
I Knew it! The contribution team members have a contest about who's helping the most... We got you know!
I'll take one for the team and err, drop out. Yeah, I'll drop out of this making-us-do-work competition.
the contribution team is normally always like this,they(us now) just like to secretly outdo eachother mwahahahaha
Let me guess, Sky wasn't in the lead so he dropped out. Sky_v15 is this true? By that post I assume you are in the lead?