EDIT: Whoever got me, Surprise me. I don't care, just give whatever your heart tells you to. After all, that's the whole point of secret santa...
The signups are now closed, I will be private messaging all of you with the name of your gift recipient (Person who you are giving a gift to). You will be getting a private message by December 7th. Do not worry. It will take a bit to message 75 people.
Yes. When the time comes, I will be switching the contents of each chests with their respective recipient, making it impossible to know your Secret Santa unless they aren't very secretive.
For the sake of helping your Secret Santa out, please list something you want. Whether it be "Give me anything you want" or "I want a renamed chicken egg named Dragon Egg." Thanks. Also, I have sent all of the messages out. There is a chance of the following: "I didn't receive one!" I am very sorry. Please message me on the forums and I will tell you all of the information. "I got two!" Error on my part again. I sort of got lost in the names. If you received identical messages, please ignore one If you received messages 2 different names, feel free to message me. "I have the wrong name on my chest sign/I can't find mine!" That is probably because you are forgettable I forgot you or you changed your name. "Why does my message smell like macaroni?" I got hungry when I was typing them all out. And misc information: YOU MAY private message me saying that you want to give a little gift to everybody. Everybody must receive the same thing, I do not like playing favorites. No, it can not be dirt. YOU MAY private message me saying that you want to donate to those who do not receive We can't all be Santa, some may forget or be a Grinch. YOU MAY give me some stone slabs. This is always a given.
Oh whoops I want some sort of specially-named tool/piece of armor. Any type, as long as you think the equipment enchantment is pretty good And a creative name! I love using specific items for a long time. Adds sentiment to any task
So I've been a bad, bad boy, huh? Well, then, let's rectify that... Hashhog's Holiday Wish List of the most Enchanting RadiancePlease surprise me with any of the following gifts. Note that I purposely included many just so that I could feel more surprised and filled with marshmallow-flavored joy upon opening the gift. 1. A book written with a true, unique fact about the color yellow on every page.2. Any other written books that you feel like writing, even if they aren't as awesome as the godly piece of literature described above. 3. Anything with a custom name and/or staff heads, just because I'm a museum owner and am therefore obligated to write this down.4a. Large quantities of rabbit eggs.4b. Large quantities of carrots (ONLY if you are doing 4a and feel like throwing in an extra gift).4c. An enchanted sword (god-sword preferred, but not necessary) named "Fluffy Bunny Murder Stick" for, uh, reasons that I will not disclose at this time.5. Cake, obviously.6. Items that I can use to troll FDNY21, CadenMann, or both, with an included instruction booklet on how you'd advise trolling them with said items.7. Sandstone... wait, that's boring. Sandstone with a cookie on the side.8. Any special gift of your choice that you want to give. <3 While I'd love the above, I'm thankful to receive any and all gifts that you might have in mind.