Happy Thanksgiving! Misc Updates - 11/24/15

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Nov 24, 2015.

  1. Or, we could use "Gobble..." for getting farther away and "Squak!" For getting closer.
    Dufne likes this.
  2. I found a Feast Chest, was in the middle of getting back to Town from wild, gtg'd, Eviltoade was helping me, he got it for me and mail it to me the staff on EMC are the best
  3. i'm going to work on some improvements to finding them to deploy tonight on the auto reboot, and i think since i reduced overall spawn mechanics (ie: cant spawn near each other) might extend event through the next week.
    Rhythmically, MmarkM, Pab10S and 6 others like this.
  4. Is there something I'm not doing in order to spawn chests? Last couple days I've been in my tunnels mining obsidian, moving around and nothing has spawned yet.
  5. Got 2 of the 3 that I spawned. They were hanging out together. Tasty Turkey!
    Seen no Chest yet.
  6. Lol the comments on here are pretty much what I expected. When aikar nerfs something he halves this then halves that and introduces more limiting factors then says: "that should reduce spawning slightl" lol. On smp7 when I announce changes like this I first say what the changes are then say "according to aikar this is what is supposed to happen but this us what will happen." lol.
  7. Ahhhh spawn mechanics... so that's why I haven't seen any spawn the last two days. I was generally in the same area and one had spawned that I never could find which prevented any more from spawning? :(
    607 likes this.
  8. If I had my magic wand, I would just make them spawn above ground only, within 6 chunks of the player, and if they find the turkey they find it... If they dont, then so be it. simple, easy, effective. If you want to make it harder to get the promos ( IMO theres nothing wrong with that), Just make the turkey slicer a more rare drop. It just takes the fun out of playing when you wander and dig up (especially near your frontier outpost) for hours and find nothing but regular mobs
  9. These are a very strange mob... It's like they are meant to be found 6 months from now while you're digging out something new, but not in the season they spawn in.
    607, Gawadrolt and ThaKloned like this.
  10. compared to last year, they spawned every 30 mins potentially for same player and could spawn multiple in same area.

    this year is min 2 hrs per player (but 30 mins per world, so 4 players can get 1 before anyone gets a 2nd).

    But i'm sending out an update now:

    • Turkeys now only spawn within 16 Y levels of same as you. If you're under ground, and get a spawn message... Expect to find it under ground (unless it spawned based on someone else near you!)
    • Turkeys now gobble to your action bar every 1 minute (3 minutes after the event ends!) telling you how many chunks away it is. Use the gobbles to find if you are close.

      So get to 0-1 away then search!
    • More tweak to /vote fixitem to help with people who still couldn't change their items name (wkramer)
    • You can now send mail while at official outposts
    • When you dismount a Horse in town and get the "Returning home in 5 mins" message, commonly the horse would not return home because no one loaded the chunk the horse was left in. This made many players think their horse was lost.

      Now, the server will automatically load the chunk 6 minutes later to ensure the horse gets sent home.
    607, Rhythmically, Krysyy and 8 others like this.
  11. Awesome! I just found my first turkey! Thanks, Aikat :)
    ThaKloned likes this.
  12. I can't send mail from Regen Outpost yet :) You'll have to start being more specific now that you've officially named /landclaim Outposts.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  13. sigh :p krysyy just messaged me asking if we want to consider relabeling them to something else... but outposts is still a good name for them too.
    kevmeup likes this.
  14. once an hour, theres a 5% chance when someone loads a chunk it will spawn a feast chest.

    So if someone else had it spawn, then the next hour someone else got it... then repeat a 3rd time, then yes its easy to go 3 hours without.
    unlike mobs, this timer is per server, not per world.

    code: https://gist.github.com/aikar/19aca25d8dc63391c4bc
    Err, looking at this i don't even know why it works. I swear i see a bug in this code. (Ok I just learned something I didn't know before)
  15. Using the gobble-scope thing above your xp bar to find turkeys is hard. There needs to be a direction too. And I think where I was searching there was like 6 out there because I got a message every 30 secs and all different chunk numbers. It gets confusing...
    xHaro_Der likes this.
  16. Im getting spawned by the "you hear a gobbling from blahblah chunks away" Literally while my alt is running all I get spammed with is this(shes not moving either):

    Is there a way to turn this off? because its continuing to happen while I type this
    Rhythmically likes this.
  17. The gobble-meter is cool. Minor issues if there are more than 1 turkey around. It will pull you in both directions but it has helped me find one of them. :)
    607 likes this.
  18. When I started, /waste had some really nice public mining cabins on smp4. Those felt closer to my definition of "outpost", as people could stay the night there and get a lot of use out of it. I think our frontier "outposts" would more likely be classified as a way station, gateway, hub or "spawn". I think they are fine that way and with a little of those griefing protections you're planning, people should be able to make some nice mini outposts for people to stop near our "gateways".
  19. Um, is that in your chat box...? Cause its not being sent to chat box. If it is, then you have a client mod doing that.

    Action box is temporary is why I used it to avoid spamming like that.

    I know its not perfect, but hey you all asked for SOME help finding them :p We don't want to make it brain dead and just give you the location. Least with this method you get to play a little Marco Pollo.
    we3mendi likes this.