[CONTEST] Chisel Me This

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Sep 2, 2015.

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  1. Going to try and dedicate an hour or so every day so I can get this done :p
  2. So is it a command to reset the res?
    tuqueque likes this.
  3. I think you have to pm rainbow and have him reset it for you
    tuqueque likes this.
  4. Inb4 winner renames every piece of dirt with a unique number and sells them for 1k each.
    ChamelonNYC and Penguinub like this.
  5. you would contact any Senior Staff or myself to request a reset.
    pmss.emc.gs will work nicely
  6. Krysyy I haven't gotten an address yet, Will I?
  7. If you applied before that message about the 9 spots left, then you have been assigned one, but we are working on giving res permissions. You will be messaged when it is ready.
    A_Ben_A likes this.
  8. Then I'm Good, Sorry To Bother You, I Will Await Me Message!
  9. I now know what I'm going to do, and will start working on it shortly. :)
  10. Can we get a staff to wedit little bits out of our block? I've already half butchered one E5U3 diamond shovel. :l
  11. 6 spots left. We've finished roughly 50 of the residences completely and messaged their destroyers.

    HOWEVER, I must now remove myself from the Interwebs or Aikar and Max will be sleeping on the floor, covered in cat fur. (I.e. I need to go make sure they can access the bed in the guest room comfortably, put away the guns Moose pulled out, vacuum up the cat fuzz, sort laundry (hopefully), and overall make this place hospitable in some form or fashion before I pass out for the night =P)
    Kytula, penfoldex, Hashhog and 2 others like this.
  12. I just realized that I have to dig.

    I have only stone slabs to give. Anybody up for a little trade?
  13. Rome was neither built, nor completely destroyed, in one day.

    aka No, but you've got a month so don't rush it =P
    Defne_b_ded likes this.
  14. Fists of Fury!

    You'll blow through too many shovels, I don't even know if it is worth it...
  15. I did a bit of calculation. I have to dig up 1.5 E5U3 shovels worth of dirt a day if I want to finish on time.

    Inb4 I make a massive mistake on Oct 2 -_-
  16. Is there any possibility of having a way to remove, say, 10x10 cubes of dirt at once?

    Might bring down the time commitment of this a bit!
  17. If you haven't been message about one now does that mean you didn't
    Make it in in time
  18. The majority of the residences have been assigned and it takes time to create them.
    Once they have been, you are messaged by staff with the residence details.
    And just to ease your mind, you have been assigned one :)
    crafter31211 likes this.
  19. It's just you and your regular tools :)
  20. when I teleport to the res it puts me -1531 67 705
    I thought I was going to teleport to the top
    now there's a 2 block hole in the middle of the res
    I guess I need a reset already & I haven't even started yet
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