Server Problems, Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by chickeneer, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. SMP9, pretty annoying and costed me already a boat.
    Am warping. i where boating the normal route. and discovered some weird jumps. The last jump where clear in front of the harbor i warped back to other position not at location i where before. So with trying to get in the harbor things got. BLUB.
  2. Not sure if this is a problem but I killed an Enraged Zombie and this is what happened...

    And later...

    And when I check the list of players...
    I'm not there...
  3. If enraged mobs drop nothing, you'll get that message. It's not a bug. A simple relog should fix the other issue.
  4. My head refuses to drop in pvp. My head drop is on, my pup head drop is on, and the same for my opponent. What happened? :(
  5. 50% drop of head now for PVP Arena.
  6. I thought it was less than that
  7. Correct, i found the link for u. drop is 15%, was 5%, in both pvp and waste.

    so even if u do allow ur head to drop it wont be easy anyway.
    southpark347 and Gawadrolt like this.
  8. Why? That's really annoying!
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  9. 100% head drop in PvP was an oversight. That was never supposed to be the case. Besides, PvP was never meant for head farming (though some people use it for that anyways).
    FDNY21 likes this.
  10. Is it normal that I cannot change to /c e in the wild? It's saying that I need to be in town to use that channel.
  11. Yes, that is normal. It's a town-only channel, regardless of supporter level.
    ThaKloned likes this.
  12. Oh must be the first time trying that in the wild. Ok thanks then.
  13. it's because you can't exactly perform economic actions to someone in town while you're in the wild...
    sure there may be some cases it would be pertinent to you, but less likely.
  14. Ya I get that. Guess I've never needed to reply in economy when not in town lol
  15. The biggest roadbump that has caused was when I was trying to advertise auctions, but it could be useful for shop owners too when replying to people asking "who sells ________". Would it be hurtful to allow supporters to use Economy in the wild? I can't see any drawbacks.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  16. Well... you can post in economy chat you just can't see it(im guessing just if you are a supporter but haven't tested that). Which doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

    Just post the advert/link in t chat and it is moved to e chat but you, being in the wild can't see it. Everyone in town can though.
  17. I coulda sworn I've seen E chat messages in wild though. Can you only see them just not post to that channel?
  18. The other way around. you can post to e chat just not see it. You aren't actually posting to e chat though. You post to t chat and... well read my last post, literally the one before you just posted XD
  19. The home feature sign's behaviour changed. It used to transport you /home (provided that was on the same server you're on) but it you have multiple residences then it sends you to another instead.

    I can't find a pattern: My 1st & 4th residence are on smp2, but the sign always sends me to my 4th.
    My friend has all 4 residences on 1 server: the sign always sends them to their 2nd.

    It's not a big issue but still figured I'd menti0n it.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  20. TEXP doesn't seem to be registering for me, but others are having theirs updated. Is it possible that dying soon after gaining XP breaks the system?