Random Screenshot Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. Don't you have Pocket Edition? :)
    This is on my LAN server, which used to be popular, but after it went inactive because school was crazy, it lost its popularity.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  2. Is that guy at the top trying to shoot you with a bow?
  3. I think so :p Worst thing is that he could just jump down without any problems, as I, as the host of the world, was the only one affected by fall damage (all other forms of damage did function correctly).
  4. Oh yes that happens to me sometimes. It's really annoying when you are trying to kill yourself by jumping off a tower and respawn on top, then do it again but you don't die and you have to climb all the way back up.
  5. Pat getting intimate with a cow
    PenguinDJ, 607 and Patr1cV like this.
  6. To be fair you kinda liked it didn't you?
    607 and FDNY21 like this.
  7. 607 and Patr1cV like this.
  8. Once upon a time, Patric and Fendy bought some acacia wood. The two of them made a masterpiece on SMP4.

    Minutes after their creation was made, Patric and Fendy decided to burn their masterpiece down. For some reason. Just because burning things is fun, I guess.

  9. you, you, vandals you!

    Burning that down before I even had a chance to admire that awesome build myself :D

    (insert 3 post essay here why this is all wrong).

    See? I can write short messages ;)
    607, Patr1cV and FDNY21 like this.
  10. You can admire the pictures that we took of it! :D Hmm, I'm not sure that you're fully capable of doing short messages Shel... ;)
    ShelLuser and Patr1cV like this.
  11. That's not short; this is.
    ShelLuser and FDNY21 like this.
  12. Yah, but yours isn't saying too much, mine was ;)

    So what are you going to do about those EMC vandals? :D
    Patr1cV, 607 and FDNY21 like this.
  13. It's only acacia, nobody will mind! ;)
    ShelLuser and Patr1cV like this.
  14. Super fun pictures of one of the at least 10 or so griefing incidences (on smp8) that has happened in the past week!
    Someone decided to make my disc trap look sooo much better by removing the pistons and armored skeleton making it virtually unusable! Thanks random griefer!

    Even better! They aslo decide to destroy my letters that I had added for aesthetic purposes. It looks soo much better now, right?!
  15. So last weekend my gf was said to come over, couldn't make it and I got a little bored. Maybe also a little disappointed, but hey; there's always next weekend. Now, I did play on EMC as well but just couldn't put my mind to it. So Sunday I decided that I should try something which I hadn't done before: a game on hardcore difficulty.

    Alas, I'm doing pretty good for myself. Got a small farm, just this evening I found a few diamonds, a zombie got me a potato which I immediately planted (now I got 7), etc.

    And while I was exploring my surroundings I suddenly discovered a Minecraft secret!

    You know about sheep, right? Friendly creatures which come in different colors and if you have shears on you then you can get their wool? Where did those sheep come from? Spawn eggs? Or maybe they spawned naturally?

    I now know the secret: sheep are actually grown.

    I has proof! :D

    I have no idea how that sheep got there, but as you can see (I'm jumping up in the next picture) it couldn't have simply stumbled into a hole or something:

    So the only logical conclusion: sheep grow on trees :)
  16. Are you playing on Ultra Hardcore or standard hardcore?
  17. Standard I think. Just started a new world and set the game mode to hardcore. And well, I have to say that so far it's pretty doable. But then again: I haven't spawned a wither yet :)
    Qwerty189 likes this.
  18. Hm... but then hardcore and hard are the same, right? Well, except that you won't be able to respawn, of course. That alone should already add quite a bit to it! :)
    But I recommend you to do Ultra Hardcore as well once, after you think you've done enough in this world, it adds even more (but it's much harder, of course).
    ShelLuser likes this.
  19. When I have a computer good enough to play it, I'm actually (somehow) quite good at UHC. :)
    Well, that is, until I find the second person...
  20. Since the servers are down...why not post some entertainment?

    EDIT: I forgot to add LGB and pepe :p

    Luckypat, RainbowChin, 607 and 2 others like this.