The Newly Green Drop Party!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by ElfinPineapple, Jul 22, 2015.


    So this evening I was cruising around SMP2 when this happened.

    I've taken on a new tinge of green, which calls for a celebration. How do we celebrate? Why a drop party of course.

    Tomorrow night at 10:00 PM EMC time, weather permitting, I will be hosting a drop party at /v ElfinPineapple0 on smp2. The items I will be giving away are below.

    What's in the chest? Good question - here's what you might win!
    • 6 iron supporter vouchers
    • 1 stack of cupid arrows
    • 9 stacks of diamonds
    • 9 stacks of iron
    • 8 stacks of lapis
    • 6 stacks of emerald
    • 3 stacks of gold
    • 1 stack of tnt
    • 1 ham hacker
    • 2 dragon stones
    • 2 cupid bows
    • 1 Pi Pie
    • 2 Signed books by me (can trade in for book w/ custom message if you wish. Instructions in book)
    • 10 Notch Apples
    • 1 God Pickaxe with Fortune III
    • 3 stacks of Quartz Blocks
    • ½ stack of Cooked Turkey
    • 1 Vault Voucher
    • 1 Holiday Candle
    • 1 Magical Eggcelllent Wand
    • 3 10,000 book vouchers (trade in for a 10,000r payout. Instructions in book)
    And the one thing everyone cares about:
    • 4 ElfinPineapple0 Heads
    I didn't give these away even as a regular player, so an opportunity to get another may not come for a while.

    If you want a piece of this, drop by SMP2 at 10pm tomorrow. I look forward to seeing all of you there. :)
  2. Congratulations on moderator! I'll see if I can make it there.
  3. Congratz!
  4. Well, I'll say for the Xth time Gratz on Staff you Glorious, Spinach Colored Tropical Fruit :p
  5. Aww... It'll be 5 AM for me.
    If only this was like 4 hours earlier :c
  6. Also congrataz on your moderator, took me a while to get what you were saying xD
  7. Yay! :D

    Or 4 hours later :p

  8. 04.00 for me so I guess I'll miss it lol.
    Hope it goes well and congrats on green :)
    607 likes this.
  9. Congrats!!!! :D I wont be able to make it sadly :( Thanks for hosting this drop party though :D
  10. Will come! :D

    Congrats on making staff :D
  11. I won't be able to make it as it will be 3AM but many congratulations to you on the promotion. :)
  12. Congratulations! I wish I could come. I hope everyone will have fun! :)
  13. Congratulations on staff! I should be able to make it. :D
    Qwerty189 likes this.
  14. Green I like green, Congrats on your Greenness:D
  15. Well congrats elf.
  16. So apparently a bunch of people got bored and went on a hacking spree with authentication servers today. As it stands right now the event is still on, but I will reserve the right to postpone should it become necessary.
  17. No, no, hold your horses here.. I know I'm nitpicking but firing up a DDoS is far from doing a hacking spree. Anyone who is familiar with the right channels can pick up the required tools, enter the right address and click the button. DDoS has nothing to do with hacking what. so. ever. but more so with bored "kiddiots".

    DDoS is the tool for the lazy and uneducated and really; it has nothing to do with hacking :p

    Sorry for a small rant, I'm kinda bored but this also hit a little nerve :p
    ww2fan168 and 607 like this.