Preview of the novel I am writing.

Discussion in 'Writers' Corner' started by MustangLover25, Jul 2, 2015.


Rate this book.

5 18 vote(s) 43.9%
4 4 vote(s) 9.8%
3 9 vote(s) 22.0%
2 7 vote(s) 17.1%
1 3 vote(s) 7.3%
  1. wat he said :p
  2. Thanks I will keep it the same on here but it will be corrected in the book. Though I am excellent at grammar I have never writen a story before.
  3. Yes
    eviltoade likes this.
  4. nice book mustanglover25 more please?
  5. That is all for now you will only get the rest if you buy the book when I finish it and I haven't finished it yet.
  6. I like this, looks like the rest is gonna be good too! I will definitely buy this.
  7. Bump once again Aikar I want you to see this.
  8. Oh I did not see the post that TromboneSteve had made.
  9. Eh, i'm not a fan of fandom. As in, not interested in books that start talking about staff without warning. Read the first paragraph, thought the character names and characters themselves would be original, but was disappointed as soon as i read "King Aikar".

    That's just my opinion, though. I'm sure lots of people on EMC want to hoard a collection of stories with staff as the main characters =P
  10. Eh just thought it might be a good story.
  11. Congrats on f_builder_s for the first preorder, he will be reviving the book 5 days before it's release if you want the same then pm me and I will give you the price.
  12. I like it! :) Are preorders any more expensive? There are indeed some errors in them, but I think it's a bit too late fixing them now, as books aren't easily editable. Or have you made the (right) choice to write the entire thing in notepad first? If so, I could try and help correcting the thing, if you want.
    I think I'd prefer original characters, but this is cool too.
    Kephras likes this.
  13. does that refer to me?
  14. No it refers to the decorative rod that is always in the king's hand.
  15. The book has not yet been published as it is still being written it will be some time before it is released.
  16. Also if enough players buy the book I might even make a movie based on the book if I can get a proper movie crew and set.
    TromboneSteve likes this.
  17. That would be awesome! I'll help with it!
  18. You forgot I am a robot and water isn't good for me.
  19. Thanks to clan23 for giving me my 100th like.
  20. You are a water proof robot.