[Suggestion]Banning the use of God Apples in PvP

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by SteveClasher, Jun 28, 2015.

  1. there are 4 arenas undernieth the normal ones where gapples and item use is off
  2. We want to be able to use our items. That's the reason for this thread. If we didn't we would be in the bottom arenas.
  3. That removes the abilty to use any item/armour and weapon to...
  4. well others want to waste their goods on gapples so what makes your opinion more important then theirs?
    no only 2 of them do that i think... i know the blue one and yellow one dont
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  5. Nobody said that their opinion was more important than yours.
    Gawadrolt and Dr_Chocolate14 like this.
  6. Do you know who you are speaking to! :3 I just find it annoying that players are having 'fun' pvping only to be confronted with a gapple user that wipes out the whole arena
    PenguinDJ and Dr_Chocolate14 like this.
  7. I completely agree with Krysyy. It may be annoying, but we shouldn't be restricting vanilla items while other vanilla items are still allowed.
    Then we should ban diamond armour and promos first, as they aren't even consumed, and you have a huge advantage while having them. But no, I think every item should be allowed during such pvp fights. Perhaps even snow balls.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  8. but again, what does it matter if you are wiped out? are you losing anything except your head which you can turn off? no, meanwhile they are spending 1k every 4ish minutes
    607 likes this.
  9. Yes I understand this but it does ruin the fun for kther players... I never said I want them to change the current arenas.. I was suggesting a set of new arenas so we could have the option? I understand you disagree with the idea.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  10. If you have been downstairs at the pvp you will see that there are arenas that have banned armour and promos/weaponry. I do not want the use of them taken away from the arenas but as I said to bite I would like it if there was an arena that we could choose to go in that would take away the ability to use apples.
  11. the fair arenas just need to be fixed and not look like poo is the real issue :p
  12. This can go both ways. Maybe someone was having fun using golden apples, and then if the staff banned their usage, they have their fun wiped out.

    This thread is almost the equivalent of that thread long ago where the fishers were upset that people were killing them in the PvP arenas.

    @ the whole thread: Nobody forces you to play the way they do, why do you think you can force people to play the way you do?
    607, Gawadrolt and bitemenow15 like this.
  13. -1 Some people suck at PVP and may need to use them to win.
  14. If the Resistance IV effect of a Zombie Virus can be nerfed in PvP, and the Regeneration IV effect of Shiny Flesh can be nerfed, why not the Regeneration V effect of the Enchanted Golden Apple? Is it because the latter is a "vanilla item" that the two former "EMC Custom Items" were nerfed?

    Even if the other two effects were allowed (the Resistance 4 of the Zombie Virus and the Regeneration 4 of the Shiny Flesh), they only last like what - less than 10 seconds? And the enchanted golden apple's Regeneration 5 lasts 30 seconds?

    Not only does it make no sense because it's "a Vanilla Item and not an EMC Custom Item," but also because the custom EMC items' effects are short-lived, while powerful. That was balanced; sure, they were strong effects, but they didn't last nearly as long and were nearly as powerful as the Enchanted Golden Apple... yet you ban the effects of the former two and allow the effect of the latter.

    And from what I heard (correct me if I'm wrong), Shiny Flesh and Zombie Viruses were only nerfed because players complained they were too OP. Players. Not mods. Not admins. Players.

    It just seems really counter-intuitive.

    Either bring back the effects of the former two in PvP, or bring back the latter one.
    Because if I personally had a choice between the three, I'd still pick the god apple over everything else (as would hundreds of other people too, I'm assuming).

    And here's why:
    The same could be applied here: why waste time and effort trying to hunt Zombies or Enraged Zombies or a Momentus in hopes of getting at least 1 Zombie Virus or Shiny Flesh, when you could just farm several Enchanted Golden Apples yourself on a whim and not have to search for anything ever? Banning Shiny Flesh and Zombie Viruses and allowing Enchanted Golden Apples isn't just counter-intuitive and makes no sense, but it is extremely inbalanced gameplay; heck, it's "AquaMan: Battle for Atlantis"-level imbalanced. (and that was a hella bad gamecube game btw; the same game JonTron reviewed in the video I pulled the above quote from)

    Considering both apples and gold are highly renewable, and there are plenty of automated farms to assist in getting both quicker (villager/auto oak tree farms for Apples; Zombie Pigman Nether Farms for Gold), people would much rather just farm for apples and gold. And considering Shiny Flesh and Zombie Virus also have negative side effects associated with them (and the Zombie Virus.. whoa-hoa-hoa, LEMME TELL YA), the risks of using them outweigh the benefits greatly.

    But I'm not the mod or admin or w/e so I guess I have no idea what I'm talking about anyway and my opinions/thoughts are all invalid...

    ...except these aren't opinions/thoughts
    they're actual facts and statistics proven time-and-time again

    so um
    607 and PenguinDJ like this.
  15. Sadly, I have to say that they shouldn't be removed/disabled. I know that I absolutely hate when I'm fighting a player, they whip out a god apple and scurry off. It's annoying, for lack of the ability to use a more profane word. Buuuut, MC PvP is known to be faulty at best.

    God apples are incredibly OP, and were designed that way, but also designed to not be mass-produced as they are in EMC. Players with enough money can just buy as many as they can, making an extremely OP item widely available. This never made EMC ban items that are also meant to be uncommon and mass-produced items in the past, however. Sure, it's advantageous against other players, but so are using certain promo weapons.

    Quick edit: Of course, promo weapons aren't vanilla. So that argument can also be used to counter this. You may all continue on
    607 likes this.
  16. I might have been a little overboard when I said 'Banning' ,but I'm in hope that a pvp arena with an anti buff and dosent looks as boring as blue fair pvp exists someday.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  17. I don't know if peoppp realise but all we wish for is a separate arena.. we do not want to replace the arena and wipe out gapples...
  18. flesh and zombie pots were nerfed because you can get them from just killing normal zombies, and there were enraged farms at the time, they were also nerfed throughout the world not just in pvp. this means that is gapples were nerfed they would also be nerfed throughout emc, alot more people would be mad that they died fighting a wither cause their gapple wasnt vanilla specs then people being mad that they lost nothing in pvp due to gapples retaining their vanilla aspects. when flesh was the way it used to be it had a higher regen as well which is why it was so opyou could be at .5 hearts and eat a flesh and back to full while 6-10 people wailed on you
  19. This is exactly the problem. Power imbalance, and the ones with the most money always win.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  20. We're talking about Player vs Player arenas, not Player vs Wither arenas.

    It's my knowledge that the intended buffs/effects of these items (Shiny Flesh, etc) still work normally outside PvP.

    If people want to fight a Wither with their gapple, that's fine.

    But not in an arena for PLAYERS fighting PLAYERS that has double-standards for what buffs are and aren't allowed.

    Please, keep the thread on-topic.

    P.S. You can get Zombie Viruses from normal Zombies, yes, but Shiny Flesh is only obtainable from Enraged Zombies and Momentus.
    PenguinDJ likes this.