[EVENT] Something New!!!

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by chickeneer, Jun 26, 2015.


Should the dev team organize more Find Something New, in the future?

Yes 47 vote(s) 52.2%
No 6 vote(s) 6.7%
Play-Doh 37 vote(s) 41.1%
  1. looks like batman
    Ultimamaxx likes this.
  2. Is this the 'dragon'?
    AnonReturns and EffinBatman like this.
  3. Nope, that's existed for a while.
  4. I think I found it but idk how to upload an image even with the instructions :oops:
  5. use imgur.com and upload an image there. and the direct link to link the pictue to him
    607 likes this.
  6. Lol one of the only reasons I actually joined was because I just wanted to see what this moments thing is. It wasn't in the tutorial when I joined either. Then I saw how awesome this place is and stayed.
  7. What is that?
  8. Looks like the head of a horse
  9. If indeed that is, I think that's Rainbowchin's Zombie horse. Nothing new.

    [EDIT] The horse is also only on smp4.
    607 likes this.
  10. a horse.

    I think I found it on SMP8. It looks like it just happened.

  11. but smp8 is fine
    Dr_Chocolate14 likes this.
  12. that would be new ! smp8 is fine ?
    TromboneSteve likes this.
  13. hahaha :D
    EffinBatman likes this.
  14. It is. I can also confirm this.
    Ultimamaxx and EffinBatman like this.
  15. Yep, she's always getting into mischief :rolleyes:
  16. My alerts are getting blown up. :eek:
  17. like smp8?
    BanditLM and EffinBatman like this.
  18. Fixed it for ya!
  19. oh the laughter of it xD
    iGTR likes this.
  20. I laughed at that for a long time.
    Ultimamaxx likes this.