Funny Staff Moments!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by NickkG, Feb 8, 2015.

  1. Former French colony - close enough.
    Gawadrolt, Manchildie and tuqueque like this.
  2. Im from GB and we don't write it like that so, not all of Europe :p
  3. I am only a little scared of krysyy
    We3_Nub_ likes this.
  4. You should be very scared....
  5. ElfinPineapple0 likes this.
  6. You said it yourself that you became old in your story... Might I add "Throw your life away?"
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  7. tuqueque likes this.

  8. That was asked before I was green. SMP8 is weird <3
  9. Smp8 will always weird, but Im bringing a turn around on the act of weirdness for smp7.
    tuqueque and Seffychan like this.
  10. /g Drmadfate

  11. I like to keep in touch with my European roots. :p

    This thread is getting more fun every minute :D
    We3_Nub_ and Gawadrolt like this.
  13. scared of your tamed moose? i've never known a moose to attack people...
  14. Found this on some old thread from 2013:

    H00D likes this.
  15. Go for it!
  16. I also have quite the collection, but I'll share one I just came across in my archives. The mods often have to break the rules to help me create certain screenshots for the staff guide...they were allowed to improvise =P

  17. This was at Friday Night Mining... we all sort of got sidetracked.
  18. I wanted to post some more screen caps here, but can you no longer upload an image without imgur? :(
    ChespinLover77 and DarkModFallen like this.
  19. Nope, you need to use imgur. It's really easy, just sign up and after that it's easy to just upload and take the link for each image :) There's a little guide under the "post reply" buttons for how to upload :D
    Kalia1784 and PenguinDJ like this.