[Forum Game] King of the Hill

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Unoski, May 24, 2015.

  1. Global Warming has driven all penguins away from the hill, Thanks Obama!

    I am now the king!
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  2. Turtle is shot from cannon onto top of hill while knocking off the king.

    I am now king of the hill!

    I am now the King
  4. I use my erm... portal gun! Yeah! My portal gun to bring the hill to my world of the bears. Since the hill was the heart of the Earth, Earth exploded, killing everybody on it. I then use my sniper and quickscope anybody who managed to survive. I also used heat detectors so anybody invisible or anybody teleporting would be visible and then I would 360 no scope them with my RPG. And even if anybody manages to get past that, I summon my invincible bears to shield me while I relax inside my cardboard box located on the hill.

    I am now king. All hail FinalArc
  5. FinalArc wakes up after having dreamt that he was the king. Haha!

    I am now the king.
  6. You are a dream. I then wake up realizing that everything was a dream come true. Looks like my clones did their work. Buit since SkyDragon was a dream, no more SkyDragon! Yay!

    I am still king
  7. I use the Ender Dragon to completely wipe you all off of the hill and have it carve out the hill to be a giant floating island for my own! HAHAHA (Yes, the End was created by an overpowered game of KoTH)
  8. But you can't use it since you're dead..

    EDIT: But you can't use it since you're in the depths of the void..

    I am still king!
  9. Did you read the rules in the OP?
  10. OK fine.
  11. I make a sandwich. The best sandwich ever. It breathes life and creation to form a new universe with its own hill. And I rule it. Best sandwich ever.
  12. A big buff cake man falls out of the sky crushing everybody. He then rolls up everybody into one ball and plays bowling.
  13. I Survived because I was Underground. I send my Giant Cake Eating Pangolins to Eat Him, I then Throw the Ball Into the Incinerator, and Put a Throne on a Hill

    I am now the king
  14. Time is not linear. I warp our sense of chronological events to... uhm... do stuff... And that's how I got this burrito.

    I bribe you with this burrito.
  15. *Builds moat around hill and goes on top* well, I think Im good now
  16. *Fills Moat*
    *Sends an Army of Alpacas, the NAtural Enemies of Llamas, at ww2*

  17. The llama army is never defeated! llama8.jpg

    *kills all alpacas, hires snipers and sends them to defend the hill w/ a mega llama to help*
    I shall never lose, the Mega Llama shall protect me!
  18. Due to his massive size and gravity, Mega Llama gets crushed on his own massive weight and dies. I walk to the top of the hill and a flamethrower and airblast you off.

    I am the king!
  19. Mega Llama only weighs 500 pounds, and I don't see people on "My 600 pound life" crushing through the earth =)

    Any way, Mega Llama gets up and spits sky off the hill and places me back up.
  20. I come with a wolf the size of an elephant and I have it eat the llama. I am now the king of the hill.