We want your skulls!

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by khixan, May 30, 2015.


Are you a Ramones or a Misfits person?

Misfits - I want your skulls! 20 vote(s) 87.0%
Ramones - I wanna be sedated, I wanna be your boyfriend, etc etc etc 3 vote(s) 13.0%
  1. Welcome to the addiction toto :p
  2. Not hooked. Totes not planning to add it to the list of places I hang out at. Or keeping some gear on 8, for that reason.

    *scribble scribble scribble*
  3. * scribbles about 7 becoming hooked*
  4. *scribbles "Q has her own notebook now, too!"*
    Qkazoo07 likes this.
  5. *Steals Q's notebook*

    *Jumps into a black hole*
    Deadmaster98 likes this.
  6. *makes new notebook*
  7. We are working on a new permanent nether hunting ground. Sgt_Pepper4 and H00D found it. More details later when it's closer to done and we know it's working right. It seems like a lot of folks are having a blast at the one in the waste that Plebiasaurus and company built (Pepper, MrCDub, and many others) so we're trying for a permanent one. Fingers crossed!!!
  8. Yes!!

    *gets bow and voter's armor*
    georgeashington likes this.
  9. I'm kinda' glad I made mine on smp5 so no-one else knows where it is.
  10. But it's a lot more fun to smack mobs around with other people.
    DubChef and khixan like this.
  11. More people equals less skulls for me, hah~
    Gotta' hoard 'em all!
    georgeashington likes this.
  12. I just took a closer look. Things look pretty messed up. I'm not sure where to begin to help out. I don't want to build anywhere where there won't be proper spawns.
  13. I'll be on shortly Chum. Kye is home sick from school with a summer cold and bloody nose. Lemme get him settled, and make him some chicken soup and all.

    When Pleb gets on, we'll have a better clue where to build for spawns. He understands all that and I sure don't. The last fortress I messed with, I broke the dang thing and Kat was gonna throttle me.

    I've been concentrating on the support stuff for it. The covered safe path, the locked chest room, etc. Will chat with you in like 30 minutes, cheers and thank you for your help!
    georgeashington likes this.
  14. Oh, shoot. I'm probably going to get busy in the yard. I'll post pics later if I get to it. Need to fix a real life fence. I'll come on later. After my hands are bleeding from getting the concrete out of the ground. It's 3 feet down, but the post rotted anyway because they didn't get it all the way around the post.
    khixan likes this.
  15. I was heating some nether brick in the furnaces up in the same room,if you wanna continue to use those its perfectly fine. I think if we start clearing the headway above us into a smooth solid line we can use it to expand
  16. So, this is why I left the party early today. I just wanted to finish getting this out of the ground:


    Moving a fence on minecraft: seconds of hard labor.
    Replacing 1 rotten fence post in real life: hours of fun!

    See you all back in the nether after I get the new one in the ground.
    khixan and ChickenDice like this.
  17. The New Nether Farm Bedroom Nether Farm Bedroom.jpg
  18. Windows XP Classic theme? Oh how I miss thee...
    Deadmaster98 and H00D like this.
  19. I have improved the frontier hunting grounds:
    • I have have out masses of netherrack for better archery and to make it more spacious. The ceiling felt too low before.
    • I have added two archery towers, which are renovated walkways and towers half covered in netherrack.
    • Expanded the flat area for more sword hunting.
    • Made the hole in the corner of the flat area labelled 'wither spawn reported here' nicer. There is a path to a archery tower and it's partially nether bricked.
    So, yeah! That is what I have spent these five days working on. I hope you like them. There will be some screenshots attached as well for a visual display.
    PS: I removed the notice about wither spawning from the corner. If whoever placed it needs it, feel free to ask.

    Attached Files:

    H00D, khixan and Deadmaster98 like this.
  20. Awesome job toto! thank you! :D