Round 4 (host: 607, 12 questions): Questions 1-10 are normal Feud scoring questions. 1. Name a Minecraft developer. 2. Name a Disney movie. 3. Name the thing one would put in their fourth hotbar slot. 4. Name one of the four classic elements. 5. Name a tree species. 6. Name a school subject. 7. Name a country where they have great ice cream. 8. Name an instrument. 9. Name a season. 10. Name a board game. Question 11 has special scoring. 11. It's 607's 16th birthday! There are 4 types of birthday cake (I know it's not all cake, but that doesn't matter): 1. 2. 3. 4. Every cake has 10 pieces total. Every piece is worth 0.4 points. First, you choose which birthday cake you want to eat from. Then, you choose how many pieces you want. But watch out: if more pieces from a cake are wanted then there are, everyone who chose that cake gets nothing. 12. Choose one of the four birthday things from question 11 again, this time with normal Feud scoring. If anyone has any questions, please pm 607, but do not post anything about this round in this thread before it's over. If you want to participate, send your answers to the questions to 607.
Working on it! Btw, do you mind me hosting next round, I would love to make some questions! Edit: congrats on your birthday
Kryssy/aikar, cherry/chocolate and invisibility/flight... the only three I didn't get the most points on. If I would have just thought about the flavor thing for a bit longer I coulda won lol. I pretty much used most of the same logic as 607 did. But figured lots of people would like comfy cushions. I won out on that risk woot. Most of the questions seemed kinda obvious. I guess I picked kryssy over aikar just because aikar has only been really around a whole lot recently. Since I have been here, that is. Aikar is the more obvious choice looking at things from a longer term perspective. Also, apparently not ALL hail samsimx XD
*grumbles darkly* Apples, apples everywhere. I think it's time to get the ol' pear's rights movement going again, with the way this server is turning! You'll see, you'll all see!
This is kind of embarrassing, but I guess I missed the obvious too. Nah, I goofed up. I always read the forums 'tabbed'; so I have multiple threads open at one time. What happened here is that I saw a thread where this was relevant, apparently ended up in the wrong tab and then posted my final post for the evening. Resulting in this. The worst part is that I can't even find the thread anymore where this would have been relevant, oh well
Hm... are people not getting alerts anymore or are people not interested anymore? I still only have quite few entries. :\
Okay, well, I'll still calculate the results and everything. I really hope we'll get more people next round, though... to anyone reading this who hasn't sent in their answers yet: you can still participate!
Okay, after reminding a few people that joined hashhog's round, we've actually got pretty much enough entries now! Here's one last bump, and then I'll try to get the results together Friday or Saturday! (you can still submit if you haven't yet, until I post otherwise)
Anticipation for the results from this round is killing me. Somehow I suspect I'm not going to do as well as I did last round lol
We may get a bit of a delay before the results and next round. I'm having problems with Python once again, and the host of the next round hasn't messaged me yet.
Entries for round 4 are not accepted anymore, I'll start writing the results post! Well, you yourself did the calculating of the scores manually, so... I'll ask someone later this week, and I'll just write this one out myself for now.
Round 4 (host: 607, 12 questions): And another round is over! I had lots of fun during this round! As you'll see from the massive amount of quotes, I especially had lots of fun reading Gawadrolt's entry... Funny how I was afraid we'd not get enough people, and after bugging lots of people, we actually got more than ever xD 1. Name a Minecraft developer. 1: Notch (haastregt, BabyCreepersRule, Uber_Corq, Owl_on_Caffeine, PenguinDJ, Gearmaster09, ShelLuser) 0.43: Jeb (PineappleGem, hashhog3000, Jelle68) 0.14: Aikar (Gawadrolt) 2. Name a Disney movie. 1: Frozen (Gawadrolt, BabyCreepersRule, hashhog3000, Uber_Corq, Owl_on_Caffeine, Jelle68, PenguinDJ) 0.14: Tangled (PineappleGem) 0.14: Bambi (Gearmaster09) 0.14: Lion King (ShelLuser) Ah, Frozen... 3. Name the thing one would put in their fourth hotbar slot. 1: Axe (haastregt, BabyCreepersRule) 1: Food (Gawadrolt, PineappleGem) 1: Pickaxe (hashhog3000, Owl_on_Caffeine) 1: Shovel (Uber_Corq, PenguinDJ) 0.5: Cookie (Jelle68) 0.5: Torch (ShelLuser) 4. Name one of the four classic elements. 1: Fire (haastregt, Gawadrolt, PineappleGem, Uber_Corq, PenguinDJ) 0.4: Water (BabyCreepersRule, Owl_on_Caffeine) 0.4: Earth (hashhog3000, ShelLuser) 0.2: Hydrogen (Jelle68) 0.2: Air (Gearmaster09) 5. Name a tree species. 1: Oak (haastregt, Gawadrolt, BabyCreepersRule, hashhog3000, Uber_Corq, Owl_on_Caffeine, Jelle68, PenguinDJ, ShelLuser) 0.11: Birch (PineappleGem) 0.11: Pine (Gearmaster09)