I thought it was the name of a beta update which came to mind. Which was not only kinda wrong, I also forgot the whole principle of the game there
Sunday the 3rd of May is when the next round will start. Round 3 will conclude a few hours to a few days before, that's hashhog's choice.
The winners are going to be announced the day before Sunday (Saturday, May 2nd) so you can still send in answers until then.
Round 3 results: 1. Name a fruit. 1: Apple (BabyCreepersRule, PineappleGem, ShelLuser, Owl_on_Caffeine, PenguinDJ, Gawadrolt, 607) .14: Banana (Uber_Corq) .14: Strawberry (SkyDragonv8) .14: Orange (MasterDude13) 2. Name a superpower (this can be essentially anything). 1: Flight (BabyCreepersRule, Uber_Corq, SkyDragonv8, ShelLuser, Owl_on_Caffeine, PenguinDJ, MasterDude13, 607) .25: Invisibility (PineappleGem, Gawadrolt) 3. Name a breed of dog. 1: Labrador (BabyCreepersRule, PenguinDJ, Gawadrolt) .66: Beagle (PineappleGem, Owl_on_Caffeine) .33: Poodle (Uber_Corq) .33: Corgi (SkyDragonv8) .33: Shepherd (ShelLuser) .33: Pug (MasterDude13) .33: Dalmation (607) 4. Name an EMC staff member. 1: Aikar (BabyCreepersRule, PineappleGem, Owl_on_Caffeine, 607) .5: krysyyjane9191 (Uber_Corq, Gawadrolt) .5: BlackKnight1021 (PenguinDJ, MasterDude13) .25: Samsimx (SkyDragonv8) .25: RainbowChin (ShelLuser) 5. Name a desert. 1: Sahara (Uber_Corq, SkyDragonv8, ShelLuser, Owl_on_Caffeine, Gawadrolt, MasterDude13, 607) .29: Ice cream (BabyCreepersRule, PenguinDJ) .14: Chocolate Cake (PineappleGem) 6. Name an EMC outpost. 1: Carthaga (BabyCreepersRule, PineappleGem, Owl_on_Caffeine, Gawadrolt, MasterDude13) .8: LLO (Uber_Corq, SkyDragonv8, PenguinDJ, 607) .2: Regen (ShelLuser) 7. Name a game show (can be from any country). 1: Family Feud (BabyCreepersRule, Uber_Corq, SkyDragonv8, PineappleGem, ShelLuser, Gawadrolt, MasterDude13, 607) .13: Deal or no Deal (Owl_on_Caffeine) .13: Wheel of Fortune (PenguinDJ) 8. If you had your tongue coated in flavoring for all eternity (everything you eat will taste like this!), what flavor would you want your tongue coated in? 1: Chocolate (BabyCreepersRule, Uber_Corq, PineappleGem, Owl_on_Caffeine, PenguinDJ, MasterDude13, 607) .14: Bacon (SkyDragonv8) .14: Strawberry (ShelLuser) .14: Cherry (Gawadrolt) 9. You are a ghost. Your scaring style is on a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is where you scare the most amount of people in a day (but the scaring isn't as scary) and where 1 is where you might spend the whole day elaborately haunting one person. Choose your level of scaring style. 1: 1 (BabyCreepersRule, Owl_on_Caffeine, PenguinDJ, Gawadrolt, MasterDude13) .4: 10 (PineappleGem, 607) .2: 4 (SkyDragonv8) .2: 6 (ShelLuser) .2: 7 (Uber_Corq) 10. The Comfortable Cushion Conundrum There is couch with four cushions, cushions A, B, C, and D. Each cushion is more plush and soft than the last, so A is the least comfortable and D is the most comfortable. However, as every couch potato knows, the more people are on a single cushion, the less comfortable it gets! Choose a cushion to sit on. Your score is determined by the cushion's value divided by the number of people who sit with you on the cushion. Cushion Values: A: .5 B: 1 C: 1.5 D: 2 1: B (Gawadrolt) .75: C (PineappleGem, ShelLuser) .5: A (MasterDude13) .33: D (BabyCreepersRule, Uber_Corq, SkyDragonv8, Owl_on_Caffeine, PenguinDJ, 607) For 11 - 12, see diagram below. 11. There's a chair in the middle of the room. Pick the direction you want it to face (North, South, East, or West). This is normal feud scoring. 1: North (BabyCreepersRule, Uber_Corq, ShelLuser, Gawadrolt, MasterDude13, 607) .33: East (PineappleGem, PenguinDJ) .17: South (SkyDragonv8) .17: West (Owl_on_Caffeine) 12. Place a television in one of the locations in the diagram. In other words, pick a number from 1 to 8. The chair will be turned towards the most popular direction from question 11. If it is facing directly towards your number (one spot), you get 1 point. If the number you choose is diagonal to the front of the chair (two spots), you get .75 points. If the number you chose is to the side of the chair, you get .4 points (two spots). Finally, if it is in one of the areas behind the chair, you get 0 points (three spots). 1: 2 (BabyCreepersRule, Uber_Corq, ShelLuser, Owl_on_Caffeine, Gawadrolt, 607) .75: 3 (PenguinDJ) .4: 4 (PineappleGem) 0: 6 (SkyDragonv8) 0: 7 (MasterDude13) 1. BabyCreepersRule: 10.62 2. Gawadrolt: 9.89 3. 607: 9.86 4. Owl_on_Caffeine: 9.29 5. Masterdude13: 8.47 6. Uber_Corq: 8.30 7. PenguinDJ: 8.13 8. PineappleGem: 7.93 9. ShelLuser: 7.87 10. Skydragonv8: 5.36
*pats Sky on back* Sorry, Sky, but it looks like you're just going to have to set all of EMC on fire.
Well, I guess that explains why Chin responded to my Senior Staff Service request on such short notice Sorry, sorry, sorry... This was stronger than me (it always is during the weekend ). I wanted a small in between res. edit, send it in and for sure: within the very same day. And the only reason I make this joke is because BigDavie did the same thing. Senior Staff looks out for us. That is my not so humble opinion and good luck trying to change that (But I still had to do this )
Sorry if I'm missing something obvious, but what in the name of Notch's spaghetti does any of this have to do with EMC Family Feud? I have a feeling you mixed up your threads.
We have another great end to another great round! Congratulations to the winners and let's do it again.
Ah yea, I must have skimmed over that XP I'm usually really strict with myself about desert and dessert, but I always slip up sometimes Congrats to the rest of the winners
Shel chose RainbowChin Thanks again to hashhog3000 for hosting, it was a fun round! Now for my comments. I chose the apple, because well, it's the only fruit in Minecraft. I thought flight would be a good superpower, because superman, one of the most cliché super heroes has it. For dogs, I honestly didn't know. I went for Aikar because he's the lead developer, seemed pretty straight-forward. The Sahara is just pretty much the classic example of a desert, so that's why I chose it. I love how Ice cream got answered two times as well xD I've never really been into outposts. However, I thought LLO was going to win because its second thread has the most pages of all threads in existence, so I knew it was well-known. Carthaga is probably more popular nowadays though, but LLO still did well. The game show was quite obvious, honestly For the flavour, I actually wouldn't like chocolate at all. I figured it would be popular, though, as many people love chocolate. For the scaring, I knew I should go with either the highest or the lowest to have the biggest chance. I went with the highest, and was wrong about that. For the cushion, I was brave and went with the comfiest, but unfortunately many of our players were so brave The chair. North was just the most obvious, because it's the first of the four when you write them down pretty much always. And then I of course wanted my television to face that way as well. I actually did quite well this round, I think And finally, BabyCreepersRule won! I love how Skydragonv8 got first with a great distance last time, and got last with a great distance this time I wonder how you'll do in round 4? On the subject of round 4, I hope I'll be able to launch it later today! Family will come over for my birthday though, so I may not have enough time, so if that's the case it'll start early Monday.