Ocean Monument / Guardian Farm

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by kaptrix, May 14, 2015.

  1. Great Work Looks amazing guys and gals, proud to share a server with all these folks
    khixan and georgeashington like this.
  2. What are you doing to get outside the 24 block zone? I see you collection area is very near the spawning.
    georgeashington and Gawadrolt like this.
  3. How are the rates?
    georgeashington and Gawadrolt like this.
  4. this is lovely. i'm in the process of building one too for fun.
    georgeashington likes this.
  5. We have an AFK box nearby.

    Rates are pretty good so far, but not as good as they could be. We're currently working on clearing out caves underneath so spawn rates will go up. Of course there's a mineshaft underneath which will make it a bit difficult. Everywhere I go mineshafts seem to exist. Corrupted also found another monument 300 blocks away from this one, so we'll get double the drops if we make that one into a farm also.
  6. Of course there's a mineshaft. We let YOU dig down rofl!

    Wait, there's another monument nearby? oh geez, here we go again lol!

    My next interview and webex exam starts in 15 minutes. Talk to ya afterwards :)
  7. two monuments only 300 blocks away within your outpost.... *jealous* Havent finished exploring to see if there is another one at our outpost *crosses fingers*
    georgeashington likes this.
  8. Lol, corrupted and I went into the cave underneath to explore/light it up and when he dug up it was at another monument just a short boat ride over from the farm. Elders are still in there if you'd like to take a whack at it ;).
  9. if you do another please contact me id love to contribute
    khixan and georgeashington like this.
  10. i can clear out the elders evil things.
    khixan and georgeashington like this.
  11. That's awesome! I'm building a guardian farm myself now. :D
  12. what are you interviewing for?
    khixan likes this.
  13. i see i was wondering because id need to build a dirt platform to put the dates down lol wasent sure if it would be worth it
  14. whats the drop rates? (not including fish)
  15. With every block I drain, the term "friends" applies a bit less. *grumbles* :mad:

    Kidding, of course. :p
    *glances around* Mostly.
    Gadget_AD, Gawadrolt, khixan and 2 others like this.
  16. Sponges are a beautiful thing.
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  17. Quick note on water draining since we tried a bunch of different methods with the sponges. Corruptedsmile came up with this method. The water stays back as you drain each row, and the infinite water sources are broken up easy.
    2 blocks between each pillar. An alternate is 3 blocks between each pillar, but I found the 2 blocks went a lot faster for me.
    x = water, o= a pillar of sand or gravel.

    wkramer - I'm interviewing for a job, senior integration engineer. One last interview happens next week and then the waiting to hear back from their HR begins. I really want to work for this company, very psyched, fingers crossed!

    havlox - We haven't set a timer and measured the drop rate. The collection DC is filling up while we're out there just derping about, so I'd say it's a nice rate so far.
    cadgamer101 and codygraw101 like this.
  18. Pretty.
    I want fish now.
    khixan likes this.
  19. I can drain one row in about 6-7 minutes. I have my depth strider 3 boots, very important and I get IN the water and go backwards instead of trying to stay dry. The first row I put two blocks below the surface with a sponged, two blocks, sponge, two blocks, etc. On the second row I go down three blocks so there is a two gap space between the top "bridge" that I created with the sponge/blocks and I place a sponge then place 3-4 blocks between each the whole way, making sure that I am inside of the water flow and 1 block in from the source water blocks. This goes really fast. I get on the second bridge, mine above me to take down the first, throw those sponges in the furnaces that I throw up now, in the water below the second bridge and begin on the third. This takes a little less than a stack and you move continuously the whole time without waiting for the furnaces. After the third row is done, mine the second row, put the sponges from the second row in the furnace and retrieve the sponges from the first row. Since every level below the first row takes less sponges you will have more than enough to start the fourth row. Wash, rinse, repeat.

    Edit: with depth strider 3 you are going to fast for the guardians to get many hits on you. Until I got to the last two rows I didn't hardly ever get hit by the guardians. Of course as you go, the guardians spawn area decreases significantly so you see more and more and more.
  20. good luck, I'm out interviewing as well! Hoping to stay at my current job and just get a promotion though, but we'll see how that goes. "senior integration engineer" sounds like a title that makes bank though.
    codygraw101 and khixan like this.