Ocean Monument / Guardian Farm

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by kaptrix, May 14, 2015.

  1. Soon I'll show what I've been doing... Be excited!
    Gawadrolt and khixan like this.
    khixan likes this.
  3. Preview of the guts.
  4. draining out the area for a guardian farm by yourself is crazy time consuming :(
    Deadmaster98 likes this.
  5. how much for access :O
  6. This looks like the backside of my guardian farm collection system. Could be any of dozens of different things but... I'm guessing you all expanded the farm to a proper "OP" build lol. I didn't go with dropper/item shaft though, just straight hoppers into chests. ;-) I'm not risking some of our items despawning.
  7. Wow !!! That took some real effort to do.

    Slabs on top of your outer wall will prevent other Mobs from spawning as well. Did you also light-up the Cave system underneath? This, too, will increase Guardian spawning. As a thought, since you have the outer area already clear, you might consider expanding the "spawn area" to the entire area. It certainly would increase the number of Guardians spawning.

    I did one of these where under the water area ...there was a "wash" area, that pushed the Guardians to one side, then they dropped down through the Lava to the 2 row wide Hopper area below. With a glass pane wall and gate, I am able to run in there and kill while the Guardians are burning. It truly is a great EXP Farm as well as all the Sea Lanterns, Fish and Dark Prismarine (with Ink) you can handle :)
  8. Nice! I was thinking about installing water bucket dispensers on the side to turn it into an xp mode type deal. Seems like there would be more lag with 90 monsters spawned in constantly this way though. Right now I haven't seen more than 40 at once because they die within seconds of spawning, keeps the entc low and spawn rate high. My kill area is at like y-16, collection area is at y-11 so I didn't have too many caves to light up Heh. Did light up all the caves on the sides of the spawner though.
  9. O_O I am amazed
  10. I indeed went to the proper level of insanity, to maximize item/mob output as best as I could. I had to change a lot of things in order to work in EMC because of all the technical changes. By the way, the items take longer to despawn here and making tons of hoppers is a waste of resources and it also creates pointless lag. I made a platform on top, still under construction, to hold all the items and the mobs for some experience. Here are some pictures.

    The spawn rates are really high for it to be on a multiplayer server.

    You can see on the left some minecarts with hoppers, they collect everything and deposit all the items on some hoppers that then sends them on an item elevator.

    Here's the item elevator.

    All the items made it safely to the top, don't worry, I placed some hoppers and a chest so nothing is lost.

    And here is the experience mode turned on. Water gets placed by tons of dispensers on both sides making the guardians take no fall damage, then they gets carried to a guardian elevator and ends up here. Of course this is not yet finished.

  11. I forgot items take longer to despawn on EMC... either way.... HOPPERS ARE COOL. So yes, I think I will stay with hoppers.
    ChickenDice likes this.
  12. Nicely done! I only had to make 36 more hoppers than you did though. Not that many tbh. I covered our kill platform with glass. Makes troubleshooting any minecart glitchyness a lot easier. Our farm looks a little more utilitarian lol. Instead of making it pretty I'm hiding it under something pretty :)
  13. You should post pictures of yours updated ;)

    I would post about ours but... we still have draining to do....

  14. Not to be rude, but I made this thread for the purpose of showing off our hard work. It isn't meant to be an open thread for whoever to post pictures of their farms.
    DubChef and Kephras like this.
  15. I was talking about the personal thread he has for his farm.

    Gawadrolt likes this.
  16. I was under the assumption that patupino was working with kat, is that not the case? Your post seems to insinuate that? Now I'm confused if you want to have staff clean it up i would be happy to have patupino post his pictures on my thread, prettt much the sams build with slight variations(mostly that his is prettier than ours, as is yours) . More traffic on the thread ;-)

    Edit: quoted wrong post
  17. I didn't mean you. I just meant the posting of pictures in general.
    I've never heard of him.
    DubChef and Gawadrolt like this.
  18. I am truly sorry, my intentions were not to change any subject. I posted here just to showcase, I thought this thread was like a general water monument farming stuff...
    GoodnightSmith, khixan and Gawadrolt like this.
  19. I have been trying to figure out a good way to sponge up ocean water.
    Thank you for this.

    Where do you place the sponge ?

    Is this layout for removing one Row of water at a time, as opposed to removing Columns of water?
  20. having used this layout I can confirm that you are still removing columns of water. i place the sponge on the side of the sand columns you built. i had to do a few of these before i mastered the placement of the sponge but once you start doing it it'll make sense where best to put them.

    also that diagram is an overhead view. so you build the outer wall and then go to the corner and come in two blocks diagonally and build a sand column and then do that every two blocks. it saves you in sand as you don't have to build sand walls on the inside.
    khixan and cadgamer101 like this.