EffinBatman Got Married!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by AnonReturns, Apr 19, 2015.

  1. For months now, a couple of SMP6ers have known of Effin's big day, so when the date started getting closer and closer, we knew we had to plan a surprise something for him :p

    Dramanya and I decided that whilst he was getting married, we'd build a huge Wedding Cake on his res as a surprise gift from some of his friends :D

    A couple of weeks in advance, we did some sneaky operations and built a practice cake out of wool on a spare res to calculate the amount of shiny things needed for the real cake :p

    The cake itself is three tiers, and filled with many stacks of gold blocks as "sponge", redstone blocks as "jam", quartz blocks as "icing" and emerald/lapis/diamond blocks as decoration!

    Thank you to Baradar67, BreezyMan, M4nic_M1ner, Manchildie, littlegamer04, PerryStahlsis, bitemenow15, themanofA, Silken_Thread and SusugeckyEepchae for donating materials and gifts :D Special shoutout to Dramanya for helping me build it :*

    You can visit the cake at /v +effincake on SMP6, and can get to each individual tier with /v +effincake tier1, /v +effincake tier2, or /v +effincake top :p

    There are donation hoppers at the bottom for any Wedding Gifts for Effin too :)
  2. Hey, this cake has been all planned out... I like how you've chosen blocks that fit layers to a real cake e.g. redstone for jam :p Great effort! ;)
  3. We thought we might as well have done it realistically, besides the scale factor... go big or go home!
  4. Congrats Batman!
    cadenman2002 likes this.
  5. Congrat's to Mr and Mrs EffinBatman hope you both have a wonderful special day
    Chief_McCloud and cadenman2002 like this.
    GG Effin(edit: Nice cake anony)
    cadenman2002 likes this.
  7. Congratz Batman
    This is a great thing youre doing for him
    cadenman2002 likes this.
  8. Effin is a very good friend to a lot of us on 6, his big day deserves some recognition from his EMC family :p
  9. Woo congrats batman!!
    Nickblockmaster and cadenman2002 like this.
  10. Omg thanks you guys !! You are the best friends a batman could ask for. I can't wait to get in game and see it.
  11. There's no rush to log in Eff, it'll be there whenever you log on XD Don't want you to go and make Mrs EB mad now!
    BreezyMan, ShelLuser and cadenman2002 like this.
  12. Congrats EB:)
    My 10 year anniversary is April 23rd, and In order to last that long, I've learned this: 1, she's always right. 2: She's always right, and the 3rd and most important tip is that SHE'S AWAYS RIGHT. :p In all seriousness, Hope you had a great wedding and a have wonderful marriage:)
    BreezyMan and cadenman2002 like this.
  13. Congrats batman!
    cadenman2002 likes this.
  14. Woo hoo! Congrats, Batman! :D The cake looks great, builders. :)
  15. Wow, congratulations Mr. Batman! I hope you live a long, happy life with your wife (and hopefully she might get to playing on the Empire too! ;))
  16. Thanks! It was worth building a practice model in advance :p
  17. Congratz to Effin and Kryssy!:D