I don't have an alt. But sometimes I do side-by-side windows with Minecraft on the right side and something on the Internet (like the forums, Pandora, or a Wikipedia article) on the left. But four tabs, that's hardcore.
I have a few alt's my super secret one is krysyyjane9191 but don't tell anyone ok remember its secret
Sometimes I'll have a TV show playing in one corner, my main to the right of that, and once and while I'll put one (both, on special occasions) of my alts below.
Kids and their alts today nah, guess I'm very old fashioned; not using any alts and also not using multiple MC versions. Just one (boring?) version which I use to log onto one not so boring server
First, you don't have 2 screens - second, I was the first one to change my theme, so YOUR copying me... Oh, and you got like 6-7 alts... so you can't say none
My laptop can barely play one Minecraft. I can't even load up the internet while playing because Minecraft just eats all of my laptop's resources.