O_O *faints* If that happened to me I would literally jump out of my seat and run into a wall trying to get away from my computer
Ug, Fendy, why do you do this to me? Every time somebody says something like that I have to go find the quote. *glares*
Well, this is all traceable to one suspect, guys. Aikar has 5 letters. One of those letters is "I". "I" rhymes with "eye" As in "eyecar" Which sounds like Aikar. If an eye is in a car, that car has 4 wheels. IcC has 4 limbs. The first 3 letters of Icecreamcow are "ice" That's 3 letters. 3 letters = 3 years. You know who was 3 once? Krysyy. *cue X-Files theme*
Only now did I realize that some unique human beings still expect HL3 to be coming some time soon. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hAAlDoAtV7Y