A World Where Being "Gay" Is The Norm

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Unoski, Feb 23, 2015.

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  1. If you mean who I think you mean, I'd wish him to be back.
  2. If there weren't any arguments in life everyone would always believe the same thing through out their life. I believe this thread is a great thing as it allows people to see this topic from everyone else's point of view giving them a better insight of the world. I feel this thread should stay open.
    Todd_Vinton and 607 like this.
  3. Yeah, but looking at our history with this sort of threads... Let's just hope it doesn't get worse than it is now. Staff are probably monitoring this thread now (we know you're reading!) and will close this if it's going downhill faster.
  4. Just watched this... RIGHT IN THE FEELS!
  5. Good or bad feels?
  6. All the people posting on this thread stating that such bullying doesn't happen, need to stop.

    There are recent videos of a young teenager in Uganda being kicked to the ground and burned in a pile of furniture. Within the last 100 years, we've seen a holocaust in which over 15 million people were segregated and killed, many of them homosexuals. People who are gay do commit suicide, and many have to face bullying daily. To say that the things in this video don't happen, simply on the basis that you've never seen them, is faulty logic when humanity is clearly capable of much worse.

    Obviously, the video has a lot to show in a short period of time, when in reality these events would happen over many years. For most people, they will only experience the bullying on a slow, ongoing basis, however nobody has time or would want to watch a video 5 years long. Here's an article from a week ago about dropout rates in LGBT youth in the UK and here's one from this morning! Here's one just a couple months old about youth in the US and how it affects them, and here's 4 hours ago a freshman in San Diego being beaten for being gay.

    Bullying is horrible, but even worse is ignorance. The silent act of allowing yourself to view one group as superior to another, the double use of negative words, the very fact that we preach 'tolerance' instead of full acceptance and understanding. How does it make you feel if I had to 'tolerate' you every day? How would you feel if I used the term you identified with to mean 'stupid' or 'bad'. (As in 'That's gay!')

    Here's a video to illustrate exactly what I mean by 'silent' behaviour. Watch how these people treat a person doing the same thing differently just by the colour of skin and gender.

    You may not be able to stop others from bullying, but you can control yourself and what you say, how you act, how you truly view others. The first step is to realize the problem.
  7. I was literally crying, so bad I suppose ;u;
  8. I suggest you remove that image...
  9. I love when games populated by children that shouldn't be partaking in sexual activities become a playground for sexual propaganda. So much for innocence and all.
  10. as far as the comments about hoping the community can keep this thread civil... you are obviously not taking into account the well being of all of the community. there is no reason this should be here.
  11. I know right! We should just lock them all in closets until they become of age. Who needs to learn about the real world? Better to just keep them ignorant and uninformed.

    I hate to tell you but this is a problem that very seriously effects the main target audience of MC. Kids aged 12 to 16. This is exactly the time when kids are becoming aware of themselves, finding out about the world. Keeping them uneducated is the worst possible thing we can do to them. The trends for bulling are becoming outrageous. We can't just shut our eyes to it. They certainly can't. They see it ever gosh dang day.
    PandasEatRamen, mba2012 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  12. Stealing a pencil is a sin. Lying is a sin. Judging people is a sin. Discriminating people is a sin. So why is being gay/bi/trans a bigger deal? They're all considered equal. Stealing a pencil is just the same a being gay. People are sinning just by disliking Gays. So why sin because of another sin? I have an amazing link to why the bible is not against gays and that in fact, those who are against them are doing wrong. PM me if you would like it. I am not looking to start an argument, I'm just giving my honest opinion. Please do not reply rudely to what i had to say.
    TechNinja_42 and SoulPunisher like this.
  13. this has nothing to do with the "real world" which is just your perception of the world anyways. It has to do with appropriate content. Kids 12 to 16 should be more worried about their report cards(schooling) than who is getting some from who and by who. this is not appropriate at all and most of the people that play MC are younger than 12
    Dwight5273 likes this.
  14. also, we aren't their parents, those people that should be teaching them about this. NOT forum warriors.
  15. Funny you should say that; the British government obviously disagrees with you. We're allowed to 'get some', 'legally', from the age of 16 and upwards - and they were considering bumping that down to 14 last year. :cool: (I'm joking with the face thing, by the way...)
    As a 'child': children are exposed to far more than you seem to think all the time. I've been hearing dirty jokes (on children's TV, before you say anything about it being post-watershed TV or something, lul) since I was born - I just didn't know what they actually meant until I was, like, 9. And since the age of 12, I have been able to make a dirty joke about pretty much anything.

    Also; the very point of living, in evolution's 'eyes', is to pass on our genetics and parent as many children possible to keep our species going. Obviously, that's not the point of a human life anymore, but since there is a primal need to 'go forth and multiply', there's no way you're going to be able to shelter kids from how they were created and stuff.

    I have no idea where I'm going with this anymore so I'm just going to stop...
  16. The Bible is contradictory in many cases. For example; God kills more people than Satan.

    We can assume that all players on EMC are at 13 years of age. Any older and they're breaking the ToS. If they're under 13 then it is their fault for viewing a thread like this. Also; this thread is nothing sexual. It's a discussion not a lesson on homosexuality.
    bezor3 likes this.
  17. All I see is strawman arguments on a thread that should be on another website.

    WE ALL KNOW that kids 7,8,9 and 10 play this game... annoyingly so most of the time. I'm pretty sure EMC has acknowledged such on several occasions.
    Pab10S and Dwight5273 like this.
  18. Please don't take my response in a rude or offensive way. I will henceforth use the term "gay" to refer to homosexuality.
    1. The Bible is against the act of being gay. It is a sin. I refer you to Leviticus 18:22 where it says that "You shall not lie with a male as you would with a female; it is an abomination." This is neither a sexist verse against females, nor a verse that females are exempt from. It is just a reflection of the culture from that time.
    2. I, myself, have nothing against people who are gay. The problem that I have is with gayness, itself. My feelings on the matter come from the Bible and, the Bible, from God.
    3. The way that it is, according to the Bible, is that people who are against gayness are not in the wrong, but in the right; however, the second that you allow the hatred of that sin to extend to the person committing it, you have sinned yourself.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  19. I live in a world, where who you like, does not matter,
    a girl who loves girls? i don't really care..
    a boy that is a girl to the soul.. i don't care..
    two guys making out... don't give a..
    person of a different color than i am.. could not give a..

    if the person is a decent human.. i don't care who they want to love, or what they look like.
    PandasEatRamen, bezor3 and Dwight5273 like this.
  20. elephant.jpg

    Yea you must talking about Texas then. :D
    Pab10S likes this.
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