A World Where Being "Gay" Is The Norm

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Unoski, Feb 23, 2015.

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  1. I remember seeing something on The Chaser's War on Everything saying that is in the same section of the bible as stuff like "kill children who swear to their parents by stoning them to death", and stuff about leprechauns. :p Wish I could find that episode to link. >_<
    BailiB likes this.
  2. Found a quote I wanted to use. It is by Daniel tosh, who I do not really like as a Comedian to be honest but I have heard him say it.
    If you believe that gay people are not going to heaven, why give them a hard time here on Earth?

    Also, a quote that I found that was quite funny that was said in a Stephen Lynch song lyric.
    If you offended by this, please privately message me and I will take it down.
  3. Guys! I don't know what ' The Chaser's War on Everything' is and I had to look up that song to understand the irony, or at least it is what I hope to read...?! Or should I know this?
  4. Or, better, just find the actual section ;)
  5. You should totally watch The Chaser. :p It's pretty old now, but some of the stuff they do is pretty damn hillarious.

    [Insert obligatory contains language/mature subject warning here]
  6. I wonder if anyone will stop here to read this.

    Society will ALWAYS surprise us, no doubt about that. Always tossing, turning, causing upheaval in ways we could have never imagined. It's up to us to stand by what we really know is right, and respect others for where they want to go with their lives. Convincing people what's good and ethical and what's wrong and bad with oppression has the opposite effect, and is never the right answer. If we hate the others instead and force a "norm" upon them, how are we different from any bigot, racist, or haters in general? When it comes down to it, it's our decision what's normal. Will we make the right choice, if there is one? I hope so.
    L3A8 likes this.
  7. What exactly did you expect to do by making the comment that homosexuality is a 'sin'?
    So a book about a man who may or may not exist gives you a good reason to be against the existence of homosexuals? No, I don't think it does. That book tells people that its wrong to be gay because gay people can't produce children, therefore 'abusing' a gift God has given to them. When we can make people of the same gender be able to produce children out of just a few stem cells from both parents, I bet the Church (aside from a few of them like the Society of Friends, which isn't really a Church, who managed to get gay marriage legalised in the UK :p) will be mega pissed :rolleyes:

    Also, I'd like to hear your reasoning in a PM for your first statement.
    The funny thing is; nobody likes him and even his fellow religious people were arguing with him over his comments, so he still couldn't be a cool kid :/

    I'd also just like to drop this here. Its a thing about anti-gay propaganda-ish bullcrap London Buses have on them and, to my knowledge, still do. And, just saying; language warning.
    ChickenDice likes this.
  8. If I am right (correct me if I'm wrong) that Christians do not oppose the existence of homosexuals, they just oppose a man and a man or a woman and a woman sleeping together. :)
    Luckygreenbird and 607 like this.
  9. Homosexual behavior has been observed in something like 1500 different species. I don't think you can make a strong argument that it is "against nature".
    mba2012 and SoulPunisher like this.
  10. Mother nature also suggests that being gay is normal (Skip to: 1:10):
  11. This thread is a bad idea...
  12. Hm, perhaps not. I'd like to see if our community is capable of not starting a flame war over this.
    AwesomeBuilder33 likes this.
  13. The idea that reproduction is the only acceptable physical interaction between people is a wholly christian one. That idea in itself is what is unnatural. The shame that the christian world has placed on physical interaction has been nothing but damaging to people. It creates bigotry for people who might be a bit different than you. It has created a terrible bias against women sexuality, where women are shamed for being strong and confident in their desires and men are applauded for it. And most importantly this shame and unnatural suppression that we start spewing at adolescents instead of teaching them to be responsible and self reliant in their self image creates an unsafe environment.
  14. Normal is always a relative term. To me it seems 'normal' that some are gay and some/most are not. At the same time the human race is growing exponentially. So, no need to worry about it in that respect and a gay movement will not stop us from further overpopulating this planet.
    Maybe mother nature should suggest a bit more gayness for the human race :p
    607 and Standsinlava like this.
  15. Luckily us adolescents (atleast the ones in my area...) don't listen to that crap :p
    Thank you, Captain Obvious >.>
    Which the past has proven time and time again to not really be possible in this community. Although; the person who used to start these flame wars is gone now, so it could be different...
    Standsinlava likes this.
  16. Good choice! :)
    I may pm you later this evening, not sure.
    TechNinja_42 likes this.
  17. I'm still here though ;)
    SoulPunisher, jkjkjk182 and 607 like this.
  18. Ugh, that is what I was going to say >.<
    607 and nfell2009 like this.
  19. Yes and you tried to marry me :confused: I don't think that is acceptable!
    nfell2009 and 607 like this.
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