The Community's Outpost (all are welcome)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by jkrmnj, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. In my opinion, Panimperia should also serve as a alternative/shorter name. Such as:
    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is usually shortened to:
    *Great Britain
    *United Kingdom
    The United States of America is usually shortened to:
    And so on...

    Also, anyone got thoughts on my planned settlement within the community?
    It's going to be named Ayr.
    Quick wikipedia style factbook.
    Name: Ayr
    Architecture: Modern European
    Founder(Not leader. In my opinion, this is the sort of outpost, where everyone is in charge. Like the LLO. Pretty much.): kitten3101
    Location: TBD/TBA
  2. The name will stay since that is what it is established under. Feel free to come up with your own abbreviation for it if you like.

    As for the settlement, I would recommend putting some more details about it later on once you gain access to the servers again. I am not entirely sure which direction this outpost will go and something like that may be an unneeded complexity although we will have to wait and see.

    For your movement request, that is something simple enough to accomplished by one or two people with no impact on the outpost and since it isn't banned, it is fine to just explore without needing a law to say you can.

    I have a couple if rules I would like to put on the next vote.
    • Building a public farm for all to use that will be located near the entrance hall
    • No destroying any naturally generated structures (npc villages, dungeons, etc.) without first revealing the structure and putting a vote on how it should be used.
    • No killing of sheep, mooshrooms, villagers, ocelots, or wolfs. All of these entities have little use dead and can be farmed or used while alive.
    • Allowing all visitors to build houses as long as the houses are more than 2 blocks from other structures unless permission is specifically given by the owner of the structure.
    • While structures can be owned by a player, offer the option of making it public where all modifications to it must first be voted on before they happen.
    These are some rules that come to mind. Feel free to add or suggest changes to these rules. I will update the second post to be specifically for rules. Just a reminder that these rules are not in effect but will be voted on during the next forms Friday.
  3. Well, I'll use my abbreviation as TC, standing for The Community.
    I think those rules seem like a decent idea.
    Public farms - Yes. Just don't build a iron farm. A iron farm can cause lag, and so I suggest building it in a small area nearby.
    No destroying natural structures - Yes.
    No killing of animals - Yes.
    Allowing all to build houses - Changes. That could be allowed for certain "new areas", but I don't think most people would be comfortable if they build a cool mansion and a dirt house was built next to it, and they couldn't do anything about it. In other words, owners permission should be needed.
    Structures voted on and made public - Yes.
  4. So, is anyone going to explore?
  5. Good point. A simple build code will also be good to have although I am wondering how it could work. I feel like banning items like dirt for building would hurt creativity.
    607 likes this.
  6. Good idea in my opinion for a build code.
    Maybe buildings made of dirt must look nice?
    kevmeup likes this.
  7. :o It's here! :D I'll definitely be following this, and probably also participating!
    I hope you don't mind, but I'm just going to call this panimperia :p
  8. This ones hard to enforce :( You can encourage a theme though by providing a lot of a specific material. They'll build with cobble and dirt, but they'll take wood and stone brick instead if you give it to them.
  9. Yeah!
    Want to form the Panimperia club?
    Okay, so as 72 suggested, would we be able to form settlements away with different laws?
  10. Mhm.
    I think I could open a shop selling cheap materials when I come on in April.
  11. Idea:
    We could ask 72Volt for Concordia? It's his former outpost which is nearby on the LiveMap, and we could put it to good use I suppose as a dormitory town for commuting to the "capital".

    Of course, we would have to ask him.

    Also, about exploring, I'm willing to make a house on creative mode single-player for whoever explores, which I will personally build when I hopefully get back. Screenshots will be posted here:)
  12. The Numbers Guy, as far as I know, did nothing with Concordia. For comparison, me love you all long time for doing this idea of mine. So yes, I'd like to gift you Concordia.

    If I need to transfer chests and the like, let me know and I'll hop on, yo.
    607 likes this.
  13. Here is the first vote form. Sorry it is so late. My laptop has been having internet problems.

    Before taking in Concordia, we would really need to get established first. Not sure how long that will take though. There are a few other requests sitting in the pending list also.
    607 likes this.
  14. Just send a PM to staff someone about the establishment request. They can establish the outpost.
  15. It bugs me that for the first question the answers are "Pass" and "No Pass", and for all others it's "pass" and "no pass" :p
    Will you make public how many people voted for what?
  16. I don't like the house law.
    Seems pointless.
    Although, I can't wait to accept Concordia! It means we can have a good source of infrastructure and a steady inherited citizenship.
    Off to read Concordia's thread so I can see what infrastructure we will inherit soon!
  17. Didn't notice tha. Until now :p
    Yes I will make the numbers visible to all.
  18. Good work so far:)