Voting Improvements - 1/14/15

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Jan 14, 2015.

  1. correct.
    PenguinDJ and Bro_im_infinite like this.
  2. What do you mean?
  3. People use it just for the Map part of the mod. They don't use the Radar function.
  4. I try to vote all sites, every day. :) So it looks like i should still get the same/similar rewards.
  5. I'm still new around these woods but I been voting daily since I started.
  6. its more that im absent minded and forget to do it one day and then my streak resets look at my highest one lol ive never got past there without missing a day
    battmeghs and Johnsface101 like this.
  7. what is the point of having the mod if everything is disabled? I like every other feature except this one.
  8. For you, there appears to be no point. For other people, they use the map. If you don't like the features, then don't use it.
  9. Is it now normal to have a 250 day streak and only receive 25k?
  10. I guess it's understandable that the rupee bonus for topg was cut in half, that was how I got my daily rupees. :p I am happy about the new implementation of Diamonds though.
  11. Hey is there a reason why the Captcha doesn't appear on the Minecraft-Server site, each time I try to vote there I'm able to enter my username and vote, but then I get a message saying that the puzzle wasn't solved correctly...
  12. When are you updating the wiki? It still says that you should get 900r when voting on topg
  13. I'm really not a fan of the splitting up of rewards, it's tough to find time to vote for one some times and now there are four.
    Kephras and NathanRP like this.
  14. Same here :/
  15. Don't you get anything like this?

  16. Yes. The bonus every 50 says is 25k and the bonus every 100 days is an additional 25k.
    Johnsface101 likes this.
  17. Nope. Never get that, only the enter your username part.
  18. Livemap makes this pretty much pointless. Waypoint feature is semi-useful, but hardly worth installing the mod for at this point.
    AllenMCStudios likes this.
  19. I disagree. I love the minimap feature. The life map is off the screen and way too much of a pain when looking at local areas. I found it extremely useful while looking for a mega tiga in newly generated terrain. I also use it to see where I am under certain outposts while mining.
  20. also, live map only renders when you break a block, while map mod shows you whats around you no matter what. Also, I am a very secretive person, I don't like when people can see me....for sure when at outposts and such...
    not to mention, the waypoints is very helpful...
    some other keypoints:
    Easier directions(n,s,w,e)
    Easier co-ord reading(instead of that messy F3 three)
    full-screen map with zoom options
    Pab10S likes this.