EMC Yearbook!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by CadenMann, Nov 19, 2014.


Will you post your quote below?

Poll closed Nov 26, 2014.
Yes! 22 vote(s) 78.6%
Sorry, no 2 vote(s) 7.1%
I don't have a quote 6 vote(s) 21.4%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. "Wow."
    SgtStutta45 and Olaf_C like this.
  2. "Aww, fishpaste."
  3. This is from "End of my Guides", one of my threads:

    "In the end, all knowledge in art can't come from others. Society will offer the foundations. For more knowledge, you must obtain it yourself through experience. You will encounter obstacles on your way; pass them with light from Heaven. If you take mistakes and failure as learning opportunities, you'll grow. Approach with positivity, and Heaven will bless you. If you approach with negativity, Hell will burn you.
    Follow my words, and eventually Heaven will defend you from Hell. Release the creativity from yourself."

    - Byeforeverthe2nd
    607 likes this.
  4. "Oiiiiiiiiiii"
  5. "EMC IS THE BEST!!"
  6. "Sweg"
    colepuncher likes this.
  7. "*nods at Blackknight1021*"
    BlackKnight1021 likes this.
  8. Nothing is impossible if you think of the possibilities of the impossible.
    colepuncher likes this.
  9. "*Nods at Deadmaster98*"
    Deadmaster98 likes this.
  10. "Stone Slabs"
    colepuncher likes this.
  11. "Make the most out of your time everyday and never stop trying!"
    Byeforeverthe2nd likes this.
  12. "9+10=21". I assume everyone will get that reference :)
  13. "No server can be a server without your friendly neighborhood Shalom" (Hehehe... see what I did there? no? I'm a wizard don't judge me!)
  14. that was mine -.-
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  15. Hmm... Not sure if I have anything I say regularly, but here are some random quotes.
    "Did somebody say porpoise?"
    "Challenge accepted!"
    "If you try to give me money, I will rip off your limbs and beat you with them."
  16. So you like orange juice in the morning...
  17. Fixed
    Green_Mystery likes this.
  18. "Almost human"
  19. "..." (my new one :p)
  20. "Those who have no inner life are a slave of their surroundings." My first 'boyfriend' (Alex de Klass) and I made

    These are mine:

    "The exchange of knowledge is the basis of all learning."

    "If reality wasn't real, then dreams could come true."

    "The power to think is the power to grow."

    "Those among us that keep themselves hidden, will be a shadow of our thought - Those that want to be known, will show themselves and will become part of what we see... like a light shining in your eyes of what we have to see; the ones hidden we can't see."

    "Ego amor aliquis inde de imperi"


    I wrote both of these around 2 1/2 - 3 years ago (they are sensitive subjects - maybe younger kids shouldn't read)

    The Light

    The hours pass, the days are gone;
    With skies moving and darkness to come.

    The night is clear, the day is spent,
    the stars are out, the moon has set.

    To gaze above, in the eloped sky -
    and wonder what is happening way up high...

    Those memories shining, what stories told -
    no fears to hide, the day is old ...

    Imagined pictures placed upon the darkened set -
    no storms to come to move the placement ahead ...

    However, the night will soon be at an end,
    and the days will separate the dreams again ...

    So while I'm at it, i'll tell you mine,
    until tomorrow, this is goodbye. -

    Dear readers here's my story, a dream if you will.
    No lies to squander time - to try and make a still.

    When night is come I have no physique-
    only images of what I might wish to keep...

    when I gaze out at night, to look up in the sky -
    all that I see is black ... The stars don't shine, I was told a lie

    when bedtime draws near i'm assumed to bed,
    but i'm an insomniac - depression makes dreams dead

    couples hold hands, under the night sky -
    man and woman destined for life ...

    What do they talk about? Kids perhaps? ...
    I thought of kids, that was in the past

    No i was given a curse,
    to think of every night ..

    Why i can't date, why i can't be free,
    why i can't be straight, and never have a key

    This key is for freedom and every chance never had -
    I want to be straight and have a life I never had ...

    Destined for love I can only think of guys,
    but again tonight - I ask myself 'why?'

    On this night, the stars are out -
    but without a dream there is no doubt -

    that no matter how many more stars are add,
    the background sky stays as dark as the black

    But readers please, take note in hand,
    that maybe the next night, under the stars,

    might shine love upon me,
    and dream with someone in my arms

    - Caleb

    There once was a boy who believed in love, and was happy every day -
    then someone threw a slur and hurt the boy in someway.

    There once was a boy who liked another, and thought the other was gay -
    so the boy asked the other if they could be together, only to find out he was straight.

    There once was a boy who believed in love, until no one ever said they loved him back -
    this boy was heartbroken and disliked everyone - not for what they've done, but for what they have.

    There once was a boy who wanted a second chance, and that boy is me.
    All I ask from anyone, is for someone to be with me.

    Byeforeverthe2nd likes this.