Pet Love

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by BTHarrold98, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. well thats messed up...
  2. Perhaps upload it to a proper image host, like imgur or photobucket (or whatever else you prefer)? Heck, if it's not too big, you can just "upload a file" to your post and include it as an attachment.
    607 likes this.
  3. I'm so sorry for your loss D: my cat, Harley, died one year ago from cancer, so I feel your pain.

    About 1 day after we lost Harley, a coworker of my father's came to us offering us a dog, Buster. Until today, I still think that Buster is the only animal that I will ever love and care for as much as I did Harley. He is now 5 years old, and happily overweight :D

    This first picture is Buster and I about 3 years ago
    This one is him 1 year ago
    And sometimes he likes to pretend to be a burrito :D
    Kephras and BTHarrold98 like this.
  4. Sorry, meant to say my cat died 3 years ago, and not 1
  5. Sorry for your lost. Buster looks soo cooll :)
  6. 607 likes this.
  7. So the new member of my family, is a dragon lizard which is called Drago, 3 months old and has a fire print skin, hes so awesome, sorry i have no pics atm my phone was playing up :D
    607 and FDNY21 like this.
  8. Baby Drago still being awesome :D might be getting a couple more in the new year :D