Pet Love

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by BTHarrold98, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. Yeah her kidney failed so we put her down
    BTHarrold98 likes this.
  2. I really don't get this cat years and human years thing. You might as well say I'm over 30 years old in poor African human years.
    BTHarrold98 likes this.
  3. Long Life Lives :D
    607 likes this.
  4. I miss my cat Philly, My mom had him even before I was born. Doctor had to like "kill" him because he was about 102 in cAt years. R.I.P (no pics avalible)
    BTHarrold98 likes this.
  5. vexen the lady killer
    majestic slug

    rubix the kitty

    a dog i used to show

    hairless slug
    muppet another show dog

    puppy vexen
    and my kitty named whisky. rip in roni

    Whisky was the kitty i've had most of my life and recently passed away. He was a grumpy old fart who scratched me alot.
    Rubix is a kitten i got about two years ago. He thinks hes a dog and likes to eat dog food.
    Vexen is my aussie puppy. He is a little fluff butt full of sass. We like to say he twerks because he has no tail so he shakes his whole butt (He was born without a tail :) )
    Abby = Slug. She is a rescue dog and is about 12 years ago. She's so sassy and just sleeps all day. She will growl at vex if he comes close to her bone. shes sassy but everyone loves her/
    rock00888, Kephras and BTHarrold98 like this.
  6. Ahh sad news, but still in a good place :D
  7. They all look so cute and cuddly hehe they all sound awesome, luky you with all them dogs :D
    Jcplugs likes this.
  8. *notices wii fit plus board and wii remote in background*

    I wanna add your cat as a wii friend </3
    BTHarrold98 and 607 like this.
  9. I noticed the vcr first :p
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  10. That? That's been sitting there lifeless for too many years... :p
    Deadmaster98 likes this.
  11. Everyone has kitties XD
    I have one lovely dog <3
    He's a bull mastiff and he's hugely misunderstood by everyone who thinks he's dangerous,
    Kephras and BTHarrold98 like this.
  12. No I'm sure he's awesome :D
  13. I suppose this is relevant. But those are just the latest "additions" to the family, even if we're still figuring out how to move them in.


    This old sweetheart is Pepper, a border collie / black lab mix. She was with us for a good many years, before we finally had to put her down in 2008.
    She was amazingly well-behaved, and beloved by small children (even if she was a little uncomfortable with their attention). In fact, back when we were still living in base housing in NJ, we could take her for walks without needing a leash, she was that good. The neighbors would occasionally ask us for her help rounding up their own escaped miscreants - the perks of her collie herding instinct, I suppose.

    I miss that dog.

    Bowie turned up as a stray kitten in the dead of winter, huddling under the outside dryer vent at my grandfather's house to keep warm. My father was away on business at the time, and my grandfather already had a rescue of his own, so Mom took this one home.
    Dad's famous words when he heard about it: "Have him gone by the time I get back."
    A few years later, he's now living with my sister and her boyfriend in NJ. Guess who misses him the most?
    Yep. Dad.

    And this little hellion is our current mutt, Bailey. Mostly a mix of german shepherd and border collie, with a curly fluffy tail that belongs on a husky or similar breed. Puppy pictures shown, but she's grown up a bit since those were taken.
    We adopted her several months after losing Pepper. I felt it was a little too soon, at the time, but she's grown on me. She's brash, energetic, stubborn, and has "selective hearing" at times, but she's pure love. Not that you'd know it to approach the house - she's terrified the crap out of Jehovah's witnesses, salesmen, and utility workers aplenty. The way she gets going at times, she sounds downright vicious if you don't know otherwise.
    What more can I say? She's a handful but she's still my girl. 3
  14. So cute, they look awesome, and they sound really nice, and omg I love their names :D
  15. Fun tidbit: Bowie got his name after the famous David Bowie - because we spent a hilariously long time unsure if "he" was a boy or girl.
    (Though in retrospect, I'm not sure how that logic applies - anyone who's seen the movie Labyrinth knows full well which sex David Bowie is).
    BTHarrold98 likes this.
  16. haha thats funny, and very well understood hehe :D
  17. What's that orange thing in the first Bailey picture? It looks really scary.
    BTHarrold98 likes this.
  18. Chew toy
    BTHarrold98 likes this.
  19. A squeaky football toy. Not that anything "squeaky" stays that way for long - she destroys her toys in short order, especially if they squeak. ("This is why we can't have nice things.") Most squeakers don't survive their first hour with her, but we've found a few toys she likes that at least hold up for a while. Wubba is one of her favorites, though she gets a new one every year or so (in our family, pets get Christmas gifts too). The squeaker lasts maybe a day or two at most, but the thick nylon covering keeps it a serviceable tug / throw toy. At least until she starts pulling at the seam threads.

    (If Pixar ever made a "Toy Story" based on her toys, it'd play out more like a slasher horror movie. High body count and a lot of grisly murders.)
  20. haha Horror Moviess :D