Pet Love

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by BTHarrold98, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. Have you ever been called by the name of someone's dog?
    It has happened to me often, and I think opposite too, that born_ego called his dog by my name :p
    BTHarrold98 likes this.
  2. I miss Henry and Molly my two favourite fish

    I liked Molly because she annoyed the other fish and I found it funny

    And I miss Henry because he was funny two he would rub his body against other fish :p

    I will miss you Molly and Henry
    BTHarrold98 likes this.
  3. I got so much fishes. I used to have 12, but the tank couldn't hold them all. R.I.P 9 fishes. Only got 3 left.

    I also have 3 turtles, one was like a 1-inch long cute turtle that we named Bob. Another was like a 3-inch long turtle. Both of them died. The 3-inch turtle died first, it got sick. Bob died second, the cute turtle. It got flipped over in the water and drowned when neither me or my family was there. Now I only have Max, another 3.5-inch turtle. He's a cute guy, and during the summer i take him outside and you just see him scrambling around in the sunshine, looking for hydration. So fun :)

    A cute story about my turtles, one time after we cleaned the turtle tank, my brother put a rock in the second tank which is more like a circular container that we use when we cleaned the fresh tank and are waiting for it to becom warm. Anyways, the rock gave the 3-inch turtle enough height to escape. 30 minutes later, all of us were searching for it. We eveuntually found it in our closet where we keep our jackets, and it was covered in dust, sleeping. That was probably why it got sick, though. :(

    EDIT: the pictures are sideways due to me using my ipad when I took the pictures. Sorry for the inconvenience :)

    Attached Files:

    BTHarrold98 likes this.
  4. ; - ; I'm so sorry :< My cat recently just pasted away at the age for 24, she was like a sister... kinda
    TechFilmer and BTHarrold98 like this.
  5. if I remember to post when I turn on my computer i will
    BTHarrold98 likes this.
  6. No I haven't indeed xD
  7. Sound like awesome fish, I did have them in till they had to go, so many years ago :D
  8. Awww, they sounded awesome and sooo... cute Thanks for telling me this.
  9. Sorry to hear that, I know having a pet in your family for so long, just fills like your bro/sis for so long :D
    TechFilmer and PlayTehMinecraft like this.
  10. :D
    Okie Dkie :D
  11. Um, why are you not doing all of those in one post?
  12. huh?
  13. I don't really see the benefit of making a separate post for each of the five quotes, it's quite spammy. :)
  14. Oh that's what you meant, well it's not really a problem, but if I get any more complaints I will stop it. :p
  15. You're right, but it's usually advised to keep all quotes in one reply just generally to avoid it being a little bit spammy :p

    And I have a picture of my cat on my PC, so why not! This is Lola (the troublemaker :D):

    Warning: Pressing on the image may involve a big explosion...
  16. Whoop Whoop, #Hype for Lola :D
    FDNY21 likes this.
  17. Not a big fan of cats. Im very allergic to them sadly, but they are so cute, so i hate my allergen.
    BTHarrold98 likes this.
  18. Dogs FTW :D
  19. My dog died last Monday she was 16 human years or 112 dog years
    Here she is:,N906plX

    She's the brown dog
    the Orange cat is Ella and the other cat is douglus ( Duggy )
    BTHarrold98 likes this.
  20. Sorry to hear that, They look really nice, bet they were awesome :D