I like the Weeping Angels and hate them. They my be scary, which is why I hate them, but they added alot of drama to the series, especially when Amy and Rory died because of them... so sad...
I didn't hate them but I wasn't particularly in love with them either Really can't decide who my favourite companion has been x3
It is like comparing the Iphones 4, 5 & 6. 4 & 5 were close enough to each other that they were interchangeable, then along comes 6 and you see the difference. While I liked her along side Smith, Clara needs to go in order for Capaldi to get his own "personality". Until then, you keep expecting him to yell Geronimo.
I am a bit forgetfull Its not just British accent, In my opinion the doctoer shouldn't have too much of a dark side but can have one, also you have to handle time and space first the doctoer after Capaldi should be female AND I want Sarah Jane back!
Though I personally think Clara shouldn't be Capaldi's companion, and Geronimo wouldn't be too bad for the new doctor, maybe Clara's staying for the best. Smith may of made it without a companion on Christmas Eve, but Capaldi would go, well, completely insane, literally. He needs Clara to keep him together, and who he would meet would not cope with him WITHOUT Clara. So until we have a new companion ready for him, Clara should stay. I don't get why Oink isn't going along with them, but hey ho.
LOL I used to watch Sarah Jane's adventures, too... RIP I seem to watch the episodes with Sarah Jane in, she's been my first favourite companion (Amy second, Clara third, in the female list)