The new doctor

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by TehrandomX, Oct 12, 2014.


If u were to pick a doctor who would it be

Poll closed Oct 12, 2014.
Brad pitt 4 vote(s) 33.3%
Niall (from 1D) 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Selena gomez (if she were a boy) 1 vote(s) 8.3%
Myself duh! 7 vote(s) 58.3%
  1. Go Doctor Who Nerds! Yay!
    ClareMuss likes this.
  2. Hmm which is the one before Tennant? I started to atch it again, I have Netflix to I have just watched Tennant over and over
  3. Eccleston, Tennant, Smith, Capaldi.
    ClareMuss likes this.
  4. I also have to disagree with you here. The writers are doing a great job right now as well. Last night's episode was fantastic! I really feel as though all of the Matt Smith era 20 million twists to every show was overwhelming and maybe you aren't used to simplicity, but go back and watch the Hartnell's time era. The writers then were AMAZING and the plots didn't have to be complex in order to make you on the edge of your seat. In fact, mostly their wasn't any great twist or evil being behind everything. A lot of it was just travelling through history and almost getting killed A LOT lol.

    I don't LOVE Clara, but I like her. I respect her as a character design and I love that the writers are making her be one of the first characters to be as dynamic as the Doctor with regards to character development. A lot of the past companions (even in the old series) were either bland as a whole (I loved Rose, but she's one) or never really changed at all. Or the one that really did change ends up
    Losing her memories anyway so it was all useless and she becomes a dunce with no clue yet again.

    Sorry for the long wall of text =)
    penfoldex and Deadmaster98 like this.
  5. You see, I haven't seen last night's episode yet because I went to see a show up in central London and haven't had a chance to IPlayer it yet :p But I just think the past few episodes haven't been as good as episodes in past series :s For example the school robot episode was a bit disappointing in my opinion - I've seen better Sarah Jane adventures episodes! XD

    And well on Clara's note, I just think that we need to leave her and Pink on Earth and get a new companion for Capaldi :3 Although I do love their banter/how he insults her - I find that hilarious XD
  6. omg kry can't believe you actually commented on my post but i have one short simple question. what is doctor who really about and whats up with the theme tune lol just answer in ur opinion
  7. You have never met a Doctor Who nerd till you have met me! Ive watched all the series at least 10 times over! I practically know the script! lol
    anonymouz710 and Deadmaster98 like this.
  8. School robot one wasn't meant to be a big story line. It was meant to focus on Clara and be the start of her doubt in staying with the Doctor. Episodes like this have to happen in every series for character development.
  9. You can't be a Dr Who nerd if you don't even know the sequence of Doctors dude :p
  10. Well I have to agree with you there then :3 You're bringing me around to Clara's side xD
  11. I personally loved the Donna Noble series, it was so sad that she had to have her memories wiped! Doctor Donna, the circle must be broken! love it! Love them all! I must admit tho Steve Moffat has got nothing on Russell T Davies! That man is a genius! The best Moffat one imo is "Blink" :)
    anonymouz710 and Deadmaster98 like this.
  12. (go doctor who)
  13. Maybe Matt Smith should be the Doctor again. My friends and I have all agreed that he was the best Doctor.
    Agent_Creeper23 likes this.
  14. mm Donna is really good i ahted it when her memory... got... wiped... sniff sniff
    ClareMuss likes this.
  15. Your post is Doctor Who. See those 3d classes and celery references in my pic? I am one of the biggest Doctor Who nerds/fans you will meet. Seen smp2 spawn recently?

    Doctor Who is about a Time Lord, last of his species, that roams through time and space in search of adventure in his TARDIS ship (Time and Relative Dimensions in Space). It is a typical sci-fi show that over the years has added in more of a drama aspect to it, but stays sci-fi at heart. It started in 1963 with it's focus being on just travelling in time during the main episodes. Over the years, it has focused more about space travel, visiting different planets, etc. It went off air in the 80's, returned in 1996 for a Movie, then finally restarted up in 2005 with the 'new series'.

    The main part about Doctor Who is that the main character is always changing. He can regenerate upon death, allowing the show to call in new actors when one is ill/wants to leave the show. It is this ultimate plot device that has ensured the show's ability to continue without changing the ongoing theme of this one lovely humanoid alien travelling the universe and picking up strays that stay with him for a while, then leave/die.
  16. OoO NO no no, Tennant, David Tennant is the best evaa!
  17. I had a love/hate relationship with "Blink", purely because I hate jump scares but loved the episode :D

    I have a wrist band with "Don't Blink" and weeping angels on :3
    ClareMuss likes this.
  18. I had a slight problem at the Start of Capaldi as he had already been in Doctor Who in "The Fires Of Pompeii" I thought it was a little weird at first, I think most proper hardcore Whovians would agree too! :)
    anonymouz710 likes this.
  19. The Weeping Angels are soooo scary! They were not as scary when brought back for later eps tho!
    anonymouz710 likes this.
  20. Couldn't of put it better myself, and I even like the oldest ones :) go TARDIS, Amy (definately), Rory and David Tennant's doctor :) aanndd I may be the biggest (maybe second) Doctor Who Ner evaaa!