Nice! Congratulations dude . Just a tiperino, go to have fun - but treat her like her priority s exceed yours. Take her out to dinner, open the doors for her, pull her chair out for her, just simple stuff like that can make you known as a really great date - which is a definite ego boost for someone who's shy, like yourself. Also, don't forget to have fun. That's like.. rule number one .
i couldn't say yes because she goes to a different school and the tickets are this Sunday, which is not the issue. The issue is in two days i would have to get her signature and a administrator signature from her school. which we never really see each other.
heres how you ask a girl to do anything: eyyy gurl you look fine as a dime wanna ____? if they say no dance away like a boss. simple
Be yourself and go for it! If you don't ask her then you will live with the "what if"? And IF she does say no then follow it with the fact that you don't want it to be weird in class and that you can still be friends, I honestly think she will surprise you and say yes! All the best anyway! I actually awwwww'd at your OP, its so cute! The fact you have gone out of your way to post on here and ask everyone's advise says you do really care, she'd be silly to say no!
I know, the "what if?". Even if I get rejected, I'm always happy I've done it, because otherwise I would've thought "What if I'd done it?" forever.
Happy because it save you money Sad because u cant go on a small date with anyone to dance. I went last year with someone and it was okay. Nothing major.
I'd be happy, because if this happened in the UK (which it wouldn't) everything would just be so awkward. I could see it now.
prom isn't as big deal in the UK as its counterpart in the US, its really just a party. Every school in my local area does them including mine which i attended but nobody really bothered with 'Dates', it was more of a party to celebrate friendships as it may be the last time you see a lot of the people you spent the last few years with.
Yeah I went to my schools prom too. It was a good night and a laugh. My school didn't bother with dates too much, a few people did but even those who did did not make a big deal out of it like Americans (just generalising here) seem to do. That will probably be the last time I will see quite a few people in my year.
I can't stress this enough. I have no idea how many opportunities i've turned down since Year 8 (when my social anxiety developed)because my brain was like, "you have social anxiety and zero social skills. You can't do this because it requires communication, and you suck at that with people you don't know.". I missed out on the opportunity to go to Auschwitz (a place I have always wanted to visit) in May 2015 with my friends just because I was too scared to talk to a teacher for no particular reason. Am also currently crapping bricks over talking to people to get a place in the game development company for my Work Experience at the end of the year, and have also given up Army Cadets just because I found it difficult to socialize (and also the fact that they were making fun of social anxiety and stuff when they were making comments about me :/). They've done them since my grandparents were children (probably before that too, since mine are in their 50's-60's...)
So for everyone who was curious. I manned up, asked a girl to homecoming, and she slapped me and ran away screaming. well okay...that last part was a lie. She said Yes, we are gonna go to dinner and homecoming now. So thanks for all your help guys and girls.
I was just about to comment saying "man up". All it took for me was a simple message over Facebook, she said yes. It was an open and shut deal, yet this thread appears to be filled with elaborate, complicated, unnecessary advice. Hence the comment I was going to make. Fortunately, I noticed you had actually already manned up before I could make this statement, so I'm impressed. 7/10.