Microsoft Buying Mojang?

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by yarbsarb, Sep 9, 2014.

  1. If anything this may be better for Minecraft. Microsoft can provide better servers, input more money and take PR seriously, no more massive cock-ups with stuff like the EULA.
  2. Microsoft isn't worried about the PC end of the deal. Who knows where it will go, but I'm sure they want greater control over the x-box version and they can have their own people to do it. Microsoft also has a team of lawyers to protect the minecraft brand. I'm sure Microsoft would never have bought a product/company that was subject to gpl terms, so now that bukkit is out of the picture, the deal can be made.

    After a couple of years of hard work and the prospects of lots of competition from other hosting outlets, I'm thinking that a couple billion in the bank is looking like a really solid offer right now. How many people actually OWN Mojang? How many million dollars does each get if they split it even? How long will it take to make that much money with their current business model?

    My thing is that I don't think Microsoft would make the offer. Then again, how many billions does Microsoft make a year? Chump change, and it will give Microsoft more control, more market share, more power!
    (insert sinister laughter here)

    We shall see....:eek:
    spartan0405 and sambish20 like this.
  3. But why would Mojang sell it though? And why would Microsoft buy it? It doesn't really seem logical if Mojang wanted to sell it and Microsoft wanted to buy it.
  4. Microsoft would want to buy it because its the highest selling game (i think) and they would have more working space with it on the xbox platforms as they own those consoles :)
  5. Money is money and business is business. Microsoft probably want a better xbox version.
  6. Okay. So, that's pretty obvious. But then why would Mojang sell it? Because Mojang doesn't own any consoles, you say?
  7. Wow! This is going to mean big changes for Minecraft!

    Microsoft is buying Mojang Because they believe they can make a lot of money with Minecraft. Pure and simple. This is a business investment and they expect a large return on their investment.

    So, what is the best way to make money? It's not selling the game. 50 million copies have already been sold so that well is starting to run dry. If you want to know the best way to make money with MC just ask Aikar. Ask Aikar, or better yet, ask the owners of the top 3 MC servers. They'll all tell you, "ingame items"!

    In the future, you'll sign on to MC and you'll have a choice, SP or MP. If you click multiplayer you'll be taken to a Microsoft run server hub. You'll have all kinds of different servers to choose from and it will be great! The best part is, you'll be able to buy all sorts of cool, ingame items on every server you play on! They players will love it and better yet, Microsoft will make a killing!

    You may be saying to yourself, "What about my favorite server EMC?" EMC will be gone just like all the rest of the private run servers. There is no way Microsoft is going to let these severs take money out of their pockets. We're not talking about a small indie company anymore. We're talking about one of the big boys. Every penny that's spent on one of the private servers is money that could be going into Microsoft's pockets and they know this.

    Microsoft is buying a goldmine and they're not going to share that gold with anyone else. It's the way big business works.
    Kephras likes this.

  8. While I think Microsoft buying Mojang is a good business move (kinda) here is my favourite:
  9. Hate the thought of this happening. I just hope it does not change anything.
  10. Mojang would sell it because it would make every single on of the share holders VERY rich, Microsoft have a lot of cash that they can invest into this. If the mojang team are decent people as markus persson is they will more than likely decline the offer as not everything is about money - they have a pretty much perfect job xD
    sambish20 and 607 like this.
  11. Mojang doesn't have any shareholders.
    Mirr0rr likes this.
  12. No public ones, they might have sold part of the company when they first started out but idk lol
  13. Notch may of, not really sure. But they would need 50,000 capital to sell shares. Also, I can't find them on the Stockholm Stock Market so I'm guessing they're not selling.
  14. Notch is dead weight to Minecraft. He toots his horn whenever there is slight controversy, and the fangirls/boys preach it like it is straight from a god.
    mba2012 likes this.
  15. Uh? So you want Notch gone? I kind of like AMPLIFIED, honestly. And really, Notch may do more things too, behind the scenes. I don't think he just plays games all day...
  16. You speak the truth! Notch literally ditched the company, what use is he to Mojang and Minecraft? None.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  17. sambish20 likes this.