Calling Modern Web Designers - Rewards!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Aikar, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. IMG_3985.PNG

    I can tell you that I get a glitches out screen now instead of a "mobile" site. :/

    The icon does work though! :D
    Equinox_Boss and Bro_im_infinite like this.
  2. The main page could be divided into sub categories - with button links

    If you click the profile link for example... something like this would pop up
    and you'd just use dynamic text using recordsets to auto change 'player', 'RAmount', etc... from databases

    I might remove the home page button on the bottom... since I added the logo was now clickable... and I might have at least one of the collapsed areas to be auto un-collapsed ... like statuses maybe.
  3. I like this a lot, seems simple and practical. A few ideas:
    - Merge Recent Threads and Pinned threads into a "Threads" button, where you can find the 2 original buttons
    - Add an "Inbox" and an "Alerts" button
    - "Insert footer stuff here" - Log in/log out button
    - Wiki button, collapsible pages, like wikipedia's mobile version (someone mentioned this I think)

    Of course, it won't be exactly like this, but I like the idea as an initial concept, something easy to navigate, to do what it needs to do and that's it.
    Equinox_Boss and eklektoi like this.
  4. hmm for the footer i thought of adding starlis, terms, policy stuffy stuff... maybe have profile be replaced with login/register if you're logged out... and be (player)'s profile if you're logged in?
    Equinox_Boss and ItsMeMatheus like this.
  5. I agree with the footer stuff, for the profile, maybe have "Your profile" if you're logged out, if you try to click it, it says "You must be logged in to do this", then the Log In/Register. Then once you log in, I think (Player)'s profile is a good idea, yeah.
    Equinox_Boss and eklektoi like this.
  6. I'd also need to set that you need to be logged in to view other people's profiles... and threads... in case someone wants to post on someone's status or on a thread :)

    Except for pm, self-profile, statuses, and threads and maybe even contact page - you don't need to be logged in to view any other area.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. The answer: Update XenForo and install the latest version of flexile

    It's the easiest and best way, in my opinion there's no other way to do it.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  8. Good. It took like 2 minutes to load this page :rolleyes:
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  9. As someone who checks EMC on my mobile device daily, this news is amazing to hear about! :D
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  10. I'm a bit late, but I have one thing to say.

    That's two things, Aikar. Two.
    boozle628, sambish20, wisepsn and 6 others like this.
  11. Well for starters:

    1. To do what you want with the site is rediculous. You can't go from static to media queries based widths just like that. You need to completely rework the whole theme and physically redesign the code by hand for the best results.
    2. I dislike this theme all together. It's horrid and bland.

    As a freelancing Front End developer, I have experience on what to do and the fact that you are suggesting that you use some plugin to do the work is just disgusting.

    And another thing, payment of just $150 worth of VOUCHERS! Come one. That is just pathetic. The work of that magnitude is worth ATLEAST double that. Honestly, I don't know who you think you are, but that is just horrible.

    Do it yourself since you want to be claiming all rights to the new design. Otherwise there better be legal documentation of the owner transfer of the code and theming design.

    VERY, Disappointed.
  12. And the type of person this applies to would know that, so what is the big issue?
    Wonderful de-contrustive criticism, very helpful.
    I am 100% sure he knows exactly how much it would cost to have a professional do this. But rather than have a professional do it in some generic way, why not ask someone who will actually use the site to give it a shot first? Why not give out the opportunity to someone looking for a project or someone who wants to help out the community? I think that he is looking for someone who is willing to do a lot of work for not nearly as much compensation as it is worth. Why would he do such a "horrible" thing? Because that kind of person is exactly the kind or person who would make a great addition to a web "dev team". You don't want someone who is going to cry about not getting enough compensation. You want someone who actually cares about their work, the end-product, and how the community reacts to it over what they receive in return. I think that they staff are largely under paid, the dedicate so much yet receive so little. And that is what makes them so great. They value community over payout.
    The only thing disappointing in the thread is your post.

    You might recognize this quote:
    Oh the hypocrisy.
  13. Come on, lets not start a flame war here. While reading this, I did not see anything saying, "You did it this way, this way is better because of _____". All I saw was the begining of a flame war, and you rudely criticizing his thoughts and beliefs. This is just wrong, and Especially where you told Jnkrlz "then you need to reconsider what you are doing in life." Just sickens me.

    Now let's stop starting a flame war before Aikar shuts down the thread, and noone gets 150$ worth of vouchers. By doing this, Aikar is Only trying to help the community, and not hinder it in any way. Noone is losing anything out of it, only gaining things.
    nick5013, wisepsn, jknrlz and 2 others like this.
  14. I respect jnkrlz opinion but going to not respond to it.

    Please keep thread on topic and drama free from here :)
  15. My wording was very poor. I would like to clarify that I meant that if he was getting so upset at a process, he may want to reconsider his field of interest because he is guaranteed to come across things like that all the time. Just like if a mod was getting unhealthily upset at the amount of kicks/bans happening everyday, they might want to reconsider what role they wanted to play on the server. I meant nothing in the way of disrespect, just honest advice I would give to anyone in a comparable situation.

    I am going to edit my post with a link to this, as to remove the poorly worded part rather than hope people see this post too.

    I hope this isn't considered flaming, just clearing it up to avoid intercommunication (purely my fault).
  16. It's jknrlz* not jnkrlz. Common mistake.
    MrUnknownian likes this.
  17. the website works fine for me on mobile
  18. The webpage itself loads fine... but the website is moreover designed for desktops/labtops ...meaning the layout needs to be adjusted for mobile and tablets to better fit the screens - so it's not an effort to scroll left and right | up and down ...just to find one particular thing :p
  19. someone make it work on my iphone 5!

  20. Sorry about that.

    But I will respond slightly to your response.

    I think there may be some confusion in to what exactly I am asking for. yes a FULL complete responsive overhaul of the forums would be quite a massive project, but that is not what I am asking for.

    I am asking for some slight adjustments to the current CSS, to do things such as remove static width rules on divs, add floats where appropriate, set width to 100%, and condensing styling of information to not be as large.

    such as:

    • condense size of header logo and the advertisement, putthem them on seperate lines at 100% width.
    • restyling the join box to be a single line of text.
    • Condensing the poster information on left to float to be on top of the post contents instead, with a much smaller avatar (like 24px)
    • default hiding of signatures (jquery button at bottom of page to set a cookie to default show signatures)
    • condense navigation into button style that expands on open
    • removing excess padding/margin
    • making clickable areas slightly easier to hit
    I think given I put hard focus on this, I could likely complete it within 3 hours, putting a target price range on it at 50$/hr, and i'm not even a "Designer". Give a junior 6 hours and you're now at 25$/hr. I feel this is rather adequate pay considering the person is also a part of this community and would benefit from their own work.
    as for vouchers instead of actual cash, if we went for actual cash, then things would get trickier, and I would have to limit it to adults in the US for tax purposes (as I would need to deduct the expense), which cuts out potential members of the community who could very much love to receive the reward offered.

    Jaydens post here: Is pretty spot on to what I would envision.

    The HTML content is already laid out nicely for us, its all about styling it differently.

    This is spot on. while the idea is nice ekletoi behind your mockup, a main reason people use smart phones with high resolution browsers is so that they can browse websites and maintain full functionality of sites. That is a principle idea behind responsive design, is that using a mobile device does not sacrifice functionality, just changes display to make it easier to access the content.

    The goal is to avoid zooming in and out, and bring it to the only thing the user has to do is scroll up and down, and providing buttons to assist with traveling to portions of the page is a bonus.

    Again as I've said many times, it's not the easiest.

    I would LOVE to do this. And we will one day... but upgrading the forums is a major task, comparative to dragon tombs in the amount of effort its going to take...

    I REALLY have to find a safe time that I can devote to not being distracted for an entire week to take on that task.

    a lot of bad decisions was made when the Empire was started that makes ugprading the forums a nightmare of an operation, and we can't just have the website broken for weeks.
    Olaf_C, sambish20, mba2012 and 4 others like this.