Moderators Wanted!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Aug 4, 2014.

  1. And one day ill have that green name! XD ( p.s hopefully )
  2. Very Big Decision Young Padawon
  3. Well Gl to anyone that makes the green team :D! And If u Don't Then Try Again In A Little :)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  4. Best of Luck to all the Appliers! Cant wait to see more staff members!
  5. Before you do so, make sure you have the following:
    Knowledge, EMC and MC wise
    A life that allows hours to disappear from sitting in front of the PC
    The ability to understand that becoming a staff is not a "rank up", it is a job and a responsibility, and you must commit yourself 100% to it :)

    With that said, I think that everyone should apply, even though they may or may not think they have not been around so long and that they are not legit adults and such, go for it. Nearly no one has gotten the mod rank without applying here on EMC, so if your dream is to become one, go spend a few hours writing that application :)
  6. Gl to all applicants :)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. (Added some, hope ya don't mind Faith, I like your list!)
    Fair, Honest, Responsible, Anti-Drama, with the guts to discipline "friends" properly if need be
    *good sense of humor*



    Ya, its where ill be.
  8. wow, I just now noticed how much sense that's makes after staring at it for a minute or two...
    Why did I not think about it earlier?!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  9. I probably won't apply this round, due to my projects in the wild. However, it will be nice to see some new green nametags. :)
    Equinox_Boss, wisepsn and HeIusion like this.
  10. I always say that I am going to not apply and then apply anyways.. So I am just going to preclude myself and say.. "Ooo, Ooo, Ooo.. Pick me! Hire me! I would make a good moderator.." and just resign myself to hunting down a staff member when chat goes awry while I am in the middle of something and don't want to be distracted.. :oops:
    Equinox_Boss and AlexChance like this.
  11. #high for mod
    Equinox_Boss and HeIusion like this.
  12. Its Going To Be Great To Have Some New Mods, Im My Timezone There Are Not Any Mods On At My Night, And Lots Of The Time People Are Breaking The Rules At This Time. Hopefully A Mod In My Time Zone Finally!
    Equinox_Boss and HeIusion like this.
  13. How exciting! Good luck applicants!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  14. Green people party :p
  15. Hypothetically, would previous applications put forth by a member be considered, or would one have to reapply?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  16. Don't quote me but I think people who have applied before do not need to reapply, because I do not believe that they changed how to apply.
    Equinox_Boss and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  17. I don't think they want to look through old apps though, I would reapply to be safe.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  18. Gah so close to 16 only 5 months away D:
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  19. In an old thread (the previous one), they said that if you were very close to 16 (like you are), they will overlook it. If you are that close, I am pretty sure you can select 16-19
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  20. It seems like SMP8 never has mods on it either. it think thats another reason they are doing this
    Equinox_Boss, wisepsn and Faithcaster like this.