Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by TechFilmer, Jul 21, 2014.


Do you agree yes or no?

Yes 14 vote(s) 66.7%
No 8 vote(s) 38.1%
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  1. If you want us to not discuss something you stated, then please have the person who made you the "SMP8 economy authority" drop a post in here so that we know for sure that you know everything. Because from what I have seen, you have yet to make a valid point and all you have done is attempt to use an incomplete mall as your evidence of your economic prowess.

    A server doesn't need a mall to have a good economy. All it needs are people who spend money.
    Luckygreenbird likes this.
  2. So... Enough about the smp8 economy. Take the discussion some place else please, because this post has gone a bit off topic.

    I jump around to different servers for different things all the time. I can't think of anything specific that I do on smp3. I live on smp4, so that is where I spend most of my time.

    If smp3 is lacking for a staff presence, I don't really think building something is a plan to solve that problem. I will visit and see if I can find any suggestions. It's very important that active members of the server live and work together and greet new players so that they will also get active and interact. This takes time and effort, but if you pay attention, you can do a lot in a short time while your server is the default server. Solving small problems without staff and making connections with staff to solve bigger issues are good policy.

    Now that the issue has been raised, I'll do my best to be on the lookout, and it looks like some other staff have also responded.
    boozle628 likes this.
  3. i know when kryyrs got on everyone was happy
    High_Jacker likes this.
  4. *sigh* this is why I'm so shy and don't speak up because people always criticise me :
    So many people have to butt in and be so rude :(
    High_Jacker likes this.
  5. I never said I was the authority ? And anyway how would you know about SMP8 - your not from it ! Also you obviously don't have a clue about the economic world
    High_Jacker likes this.
  6. This is where the foot gets put down.
    No one has been rude. Criticisms are not rude.
    If anything, you have been rude to Smp8 as well as my own person. You judged harshly my and the servers economic capabilities purely because there are no mega-malls present.

    To end this off-topicness topic, I will state plain and simply. Business. That is what runs an economy. Take me for example: LB Ind., which I co-run with BrenJone. It draws sales, and it stimulates an active server economy. Mega-malls are just another form of business. Whenever they are made and then fail, it's strictly because it's not the kind of business that functions well there. I'm sure other servers have ways of striving economically without the use of mega-malls. Heck, there are ranges of systems like trading, small shops, auctioneers, attraction makers, etc. that do every bit or more for the well being of servers than a mall ever could.

    However, I will wish you the best of luck with your own mall. Could you be the one who manages to succeed? I would certainly hope so. You a part of a very large economy in this way, and your efforts are highly appreciated and peak interests in consumers and economists alike.

    Onto the Smp3 topic to make this post valid. . .

    I am mainly a frontier-goer on Smp3, so my only communications with the town are through whoever pm's me and through whoever gets banned/kicked/muted/etc.
    There was a week or two in which staff was particularly active on there, with 2 or more at one time. And to put simply from everything I saw, it was chaos being put back under control. Constant kicks for spam and rudeness were made, and at times flooded my chat. The exact events that led up to what I saw shall never be known fully, but I think it speaks for itself. Extra staff involvement must have seemed like a blessing to anyone who enjoys the peace on Smp3. Lately, though, less staff have been on (at average times) and the wilderness chat is much "quieter" this way. I don't know if there is a lack of activity in the town, or on the other end a large sum of misconduct. Either way I personally think the town there needs a boost in some sort of direction. Just my 2 cents. . .
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  7. Rude to SMP8 ? Lol everyone on smp8 admits the economy sucks XD
  8. I went on emc about 3 pm I said hi no1 said hi back I'm most likely to be a ghost or no1 likes me :p
  9. The purpose of forum threads is for everyone to have a chance to have their say. You don't have to agree with it, but you do need to respect the fact that everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you would like to discuss the smp8 economy further, please start a thread with that purpose. Otherwise, let's get discussion on this thread back to smp3's loneliness.

    Personally, I find smp3 both welcoming and friendly. Perhaps it is just a time zone thing. For example, smp4 is sometimes bustling with activity, while at others there is hardly anyone online.

    That being said, I can understand what you said about having a lot of new players creating a situation where there can become a need for more staff intervention. Smp4 had this situation not long ago, but now things have settled down, new players aren't so new anymore, and smp4 has become much more active. The staff didn't make this happen. The community did.

    Trust in the /report system. I can guarantee that every report gets looked at, and if a player is still on the next day, it could simply mean that staff have explained to them that whatever they were doing is not ok. If they continue with their unacceptable behavior, just /report them again. Then just go back to enjoying the game and trust the staff to do their job. Just because you don't see the staff around, doesn't mean we aren't lurking around somewhere. ;)
    AlexChance likes this.
  10. In that case . . . no pressure, but the fate of the Smp8 economy rests in your hands now. If you give up on this mall then you essentially become a big part of the reason "everyone on Smp8 admits the economy sucks XD".

    If I was you I'd take on a different motive than to preach that the economy is not just small, but bad. If you are serious about making a mall there after all you've said, then I hope for our sake you pull through with it, all the while believing that what you do could actually change Smp8's economy and the minds of others for the better.

    All I have to say is: live up to your own expectations. :cool:

    Edit: If you want to continue, take it to a pm with me, instead of here.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  11. As someone who have spent 99% of my minecraft life on SMP3, I've always loved my quiet server. Although the increased traffic after the bungee install has been awesome for my mall, I kinda miss being one of three players online at 2a pdt.
    With that being said, I do want SMP3 to thrive. I wish more old school EMCers would come join us. Kyzoy and I are running The SMP3 Visitor Center right across spawn at 6002. Any builds, shops, parkour, or anything else will have a tp setup to send more traffic to your build.
    krysyyjane9191 and Kyzoy like this.
  12. for 1 i noticed smp3 gets griefed way 2 much and 2. 50% of new players get banned
  13. Alot Of People Have Been Getting Banned Recently, Mainly From New People Sprinting Through The Tutorial Im Asuming, Then Spamming In Chat etc And Will Not Stop. It Is Not Just Smp3, But The Grief Seems Odd-Maybe Its Also New Players-Alot To Think About. I See What You Mean Though
    huckleberry24 likes this.
  14. Yea - especially the whole spam chat thing and begging too !
  15. Oh Yeah, Forgot About The Newer Players Constantly Begging For Expensive/Rare Items :/
  16. I've rarely see new players on SMP3 begging for rare items.
    Kyzoy likes this.
  17. Huh, Must Just Be Smp8
  18. I'm sorry, I thought we were talking about Smp3.
    boozle628, 607, samsimx and 2 others like this.
  19. I have seen a large amount of new players on SMP3. Yes it is good for business but then we have to deal with the drama of some. SMP3 in my opinion is my favorite SMP. Even if what I just said happens occasionally. Few malls, and /fun which should be finished are the few things that is good about SMP3. I enjoy SMP3 I really do it has been my home server for 950 plus days and always will be. Like people have said if we can get the community together and do things like greeting new players I think SMP3 would have a very good community.
    DrewRadio likes this.